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Chronic Kidney Disease

Excessive Protein And Its Influence On Kidney Health

When we think of protein, we think about meat, peanut butter, beans, and other foods that we need in our daily diet for a balanced diet. We don’t typically think about protein in relation to our urine or our kidney health.

If you have been noticing a frothiness in your urine and/or swelling in your hands, feet, or face, it may be time that you visit with your health care specialist, as you could be showing signs of proteinuria (protein in urine) and kidney issues. In a normal healthy urine sample, one will find mostly water (roughly 95%) and then small amounts of urea, chloride, sodium, potassium, creatine, and other compounds deemed unnecessary and as waste by the body. But when things such as large amounts of protein appear in a collection sample, they serve as a little red flag for healthcare professionals.

Normal urine generally produces anywhere between 0 to 14mg/dL of protein. Finding transient proteinuria, a common benign condition is often caused by fever, dehydration, emotional stress, exposure to extreme cold, or heavy exercise. Often, transient proteinuria cases will take care of themselves, usually because that which was causing the body to make haste with the protein waste has cleared up. For more severe conditions, it is important to understand that the excess protein in the urine is not what is hurting your body. It is more of a side effect or a sign that a real serious problem could be lurking in the shadows of your body.

According to average medical standards, anything higher than 14mg/dL could mean the person is experiencing other health-related problems that should be addressed quickly.

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Health Issues

Among the more serious problems related to the high levels of protein found in urine include:

  • Amyloidosis (a build-up of protein in organs causing them not to work properly)
  • Excessive consumption of anti-inflammatory medications (these can be rough on the kidneys)
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD is when the kidneys begin to fail, and waste builds up in the body)
  • Diabetes – (too much sugar in the blood)
  • Endocarditis ( infection in the lining of the heart)
  • Lupus (an inflammatory disease caused when the immune system attacks its own tissues)
  • Heart Failure (a condition in which the heart does not pump blood as well as it should)
  • Sarcoidosis (a collection of inflammatory cells that form lumps, or granulomas)
  • Sickle Cell Anemia (when red blood cells become misshapen causing them to misfunction)
  • Nephrosis (damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys)
  • Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (cancer of a part of the immune system)
  • Preeclampsia – (high blood pressure during pregnancy)

There are many things that your health care specialist can suggest that can help you protect and prevent further kidney damage. For instance, some studies have shown that inadequate vitamin D levels could make you up to twice as likely to develop kidney disease. Supplements or spending 15 minutes a day in the sun can increase your body’s vitamin D levels. Dialysis is used when your kidneys can no longer function at an adequate level to remove the wastes.

The National Kidney Foundation (formerly the National Nephrosis Foundation) was founded by Ada DeBold after her son developed and eventually succumbed to kidney failure. This foundation has helped advance the knowledge and treatment of kidney disease over the past 70 years.

Managing Chronic Conditions for Better Kidney Health

The key to healthy kidneys is proper maintenance. Of course, drinking water and maintaining a healthy diet will help with overall kidney function. Unfortunately, we have not quite figured out how to turn off the genetic components that make the body more susceptible to kidney damage.  The future is bright, and scientists are always looking, researching, and developing new treatments. Having a primary care doctor that can coordinate with a kidney specialist is critical if you develop issues with your kidneys.
Recent studies have found that the kidneys can sometimes repair themselves. This is a slow and tedious process as the owner of the kidneys must be careful with their overall consumption of foods and medications while maintaining proper health to support the natural repairing process. This is wonderful news compared to the long-assumed notion that the kidney cells are unable to regenerate after fully developing. Talk to your doctor and kidney specialist about diet and treatments that can slow down the progress as much as possible.

If you have questions or would like to talk to a specialist in the field, reach out to us at PRINE Health. We have offices in New York State but also offer excellent telemedicine options.

What Is Telenephrology, And Why Should I Consider It?

Telenephrology – Telemedicine is not as new as you might think. It got its start in the late 1950s and was originally conceived as a way for doctors to reach patients in remote areas. Many people live in places where reaching a doctor isn’t a simple matter.

Having a way to connect with a doctor who knows your medical history is essential. If it’s not easy or even possible to go to see your doctor for a personal visit, Telemedicine can be the pathway to better health. Due to the Corona Virus, many people have been quarantined, especially those who have compromised health issues. Kidney disease is a serious illness. If you are someone facing this health issue, staying home, and not subjecting yourself to exposure to the virus, is of utmost importance.

Nephrologists, specialists, and, in fact, most doctors are using Telemedicine more than ever and not just to reach patients in remote locations but for patients who find it safer, smarter, and more economical to “see” them virtually. Now, with the constant improvements in technology, a doctor can meet virtually with patients by connecting through services like Zoom and Skype, or even Facetime. The doctor will be in his/her office, with the patient in the safety and comfort of their own home, saving time and money for both.

Today, medical offices are having to spread outpatient visits so that vigorous cleaning can be done between visits. Masks need to be worn by both Doc and the patient. When utilizing telenephrology, a doctor can see more patients and/or spend more time with each patient. Doctors can offer their services conveniently for any hours they choose. Suppose you are experiencing an issue that you feel may need immediate attention and need to quickly see a doctor. In that case, Telemedicine can likely get face-to-face with your doctor.


How Will Your Nephrologists Work with You Via Telemedicine

Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease is on the rise in the United States. If you are having issues with your kidneys, you will need to have a Nephrologist on your medical team. It’s best if your nephrologist works with your primary doctor to create proper plans for your health.

Testing for kidney issues has improved dramatically. Testing has exposed the fact that a higher number of people need help with this disease. It’s added to the already heavy burden on the health care system. Dealing with the Corona Virus has been an enormous strain on our hospitals, doctors, nurses, and others in the medical field. Keeping patients with existing chronic medical conditions is an added factor. The less personal contact, the better so more people are opting to meet their nephrologists and their primary doctors virtually through Telemedicine, which also collaborates with both the specialist and the primary doctor.

An element of Telenephrology is the use of websites or apps which allow your family physician to upload important data regarding your kidney disease for your nephrologist into the software. The nephrologist will then use that information to help create a plan or keep a new patient as healthy as possible.


Saving Time and Money

On average, a telenephrology consultation takes less than 10 minutes. No receptionist or nurse is needed in these sessions, thus saving on office expenses. Scheduling is often done online or with a scheduling app. The doctor-patient relationship is more of a one-on-one experience. This conversation only involves the doctor and the patient without the need for the whole office visit experience. Short check-ins like this can happen more often so that the doctor can stay up to date with their patient’s condition. Knowing what a patient with kidney disease is experiencing on a more regular basis without the burden of time-consuming office business can significantly improve patient care.

These visits are shorter, and to the point, so they are often more productive. The goal is to improve the health and, ultimately, the survival of patients. Insurance costs are less with Telemedicine. These kinds of visits are generally less expensive, which can help patients who are paying for some of their health care out of pocket.

Most people will say that they do not enjoy their visits to their nephrologists or other doctors. Sitting in an office, waiting nervously for your name to be called, now wearing a mask in most cases, is no picnic. If you have never experienced Telemedicine or telenephrology, ask your doctors if they offer this alternative to in-office visits.

If you seek a consultation with a nephrologist and would like to consider a telemedicine experience, PRINE Health would be happy to set up a consultation for you.

Podiatry’s Vital Role: Enhancing Kidney Care Holistically

One of the kidneys’ critical responsibilities in the human body’s complex layout is regulating fluids and electrolytes throughout your body. It’s no wonder that kidney disease impacts so many parts of your body so harshly.

Taking care of your feet while you struggle with kidney disease is crucial, as they are one of the most severely affected members of your body. Today, we want to discuss why keeping an eye on our feet is important and how podiatry can be your best aid during holistic kidney care.

Common Complications

Before we get started, many of these complications can stem from other diseases and conditions. Contact your GP if you identify any of the following symptoms as your own.


Dry Skin And Itching

As toxins leak through the kidneys’ defenses, they may build up in the bloodstream. This may result in dry skin, which may affect the entire body but can be most uncomfortable in the lower extremities due to how much they are used and how frequently they are covered by fabric.



Common foot infections can be exacerbated when dealing with kidney disease. This is true for all infections, of course, but something as common as ingrown nails can go unnoticed until it’s well underway. Like the prior entry, this is related to the weakened toxin defense provided by kidneys.


Edema And Swelling

Generally, any kind of swelling is abnormal and can be linked to a different disease.

Kidneys regulate fluids and electrolytes throughout the body. Excess water can be filtered to different parts when their work is compromised. The most commonly affected limbs are the legs and feet. Swelling of the feet is common while struggling with kidneys, and it’s usually an early indicator of kidney problems.

There’s a unique form of swelling related to glomerular disease. In this case, the glomeruli—the filters in your kidneys—leak a protein named albumin into your urine, which in turn impacts fluid buildup. Glomerular disease presents a bigger risk when dealing with diabetic kidney disease, as systemic diseases tend to affect glomeruli.


Nerve Issues

Kidney failure, especially in its later stages, can impact the peripheral nervous system. The damage is especially evident in the legs. Common symptoms of nerve damage include numbness, tingling, and burning pain. In severe cases, a patient can experience total sensation loss, which can increase the risk of injury and infection.

Caring For Your Feet

As we have seen in the symptoms and their connection to the kidney’s functions, it’s clear that keeping a close eye on your foot health can make a difference in diagnostics. But there are other ways that podiatry can be of service in overall renal care.

For one, dialysis alone is a risk factor for foot ulcers. The risk is even higher for patients with diabetes and diabetes-related kidney failure. Additionally, the procedure commonly leads to nerve damage, which we covered in the previous section.

Your podiatrist won’t cure your kidneys, but keeping close contact with a podiatrist can make the difference in the complications that result from your condition. What’s more, since the specifics of care are so unique in kidney-related conditions, it’s crucial that you inform your podiatrist of any kidney disease that may be present.

In addition to working with a podiatrist, we suggest a couple of measures you can take at home to keep your feet as healthy as possible. For one, practice hygiene: wash and dry your feet well, but don’t soak them. As you do, check your skin for any sores or inflammation. Keep active within your range of possibility; blood flow is almost always good. If you can, keep up to date with your blood sugar.

Commonly, your nephrologist and podiatrist will work together, constantly finding solutions and treatments. At PRINE, we ensure communication between your doctors seeking to provide more holistic care for such a system-damaging condition.

Fueling Kidney Health

The kidney is the prime filter of the human body—along with other essential tasks. It tackles toxins in the bloodstream and manages fluids and electrolytes throughout the organism, keeping us running. As such, it’s important to know how to keep them in tip-top shape and how to help them when they’re not.

Kidney disease affects 15% of the US population, and that only includes people who know they have it. Today, we’ll focus on a few ways to keep your kidneys healthy, and some recommended behaviors during care.

Healthy Diet And Habits

Overall, we recommend keeping a balanced diet consistent with your caloric intake needs, providing all forms of nutrients for a fully functioning body. Additionally, getting in your 30 minutes of daily exercise and drinking plenty of water allows your kidneys to clean the blood supply more efficiently and distribute these fluids throughout your body.

Keep your body moving within the range of what’s comfortable and possible. Keeping blood flowing aids in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as promoting muscle health. Your body is amazing, so keep it moving.


Choose Healthy Foods

We can take a page from the American Kidney Fund, which suggests that the right diet for a patient with kidney disease consists of the right proteins for growth and healing, fats for energy, vitamin distribution and temperature, and carbs, which are more easily transformed to energy than protein and fat.

Bet on more natural and healthier options that are low in sodium and grain carbs, and healthier carbs like fruit and vegetables. Naturally, discuss with your dietitian what diet is best for your case.


Monitor Levels

Keep a close eye on blood pressure, as it constricts and narrows blood vessels, including those of the kidneys. Cholesterol, other than impacting blood flow, can clog renal arteries, resulting in diminished kidney function. If you have any type of diabetes, it’s crucial to keep an eye out on your renal health, as it is proven to injure renal blood vessels as well.

Be sure to approach your doctors if you have any questions to stay one step ahead.


Limit Alcohol And Pill Intake

Alcohol severely impacts renal function, as it introduces toxins to the bloodstream. Your liver may do most of the heavy lifting when dealing with alcohol, but your kidneys do their share, too. A small amount of alcohol tends to be no problem; moderation is key.

Something similar happens with over-the-counter drugs. Substances like ibuprofen and aspirin, while helpful in many instances, often impact the kidneys through toxins that slowly limit renal function. Limit over-the-counter drug use to 10 days. If there are no changes, contact your doctor.


Know The Signs

There are few to no symptoms associated with the early stages of kidney disease; approaching your doctor regularly is the best measure.

As CKD gets worse, a few common symptoms start showing up:

  • Tiredness
  • A constant need to urinate
  • Blood in the urine
  • Swollen ankles or other limbs as a result of water retention, otherwise known as edema
  • Sudden weight loss and lack of appetite

These symptoms on their own may indicate anything, so the best course of action when they become present is to contact your practitioner.

Ask Your Doctor

As we repeated throughout this post, a proper medical check-up is the best way to find any issues with your kidneys. Medical treatment is also the most indicated course of action, especially considering how vital kidneys are for the entirety of the body. Timely attention to kidney health can make a difference in your treatment.
PRINE Health provides holistic care for chronic kidney disease and other common renal afflictions. We have teams and partners all over the country, so we encourage you to approach us and set up an appointment. Make use of our guides on kidney health diet here. Your kidney health matters.

A Whole-Istic View: The Emphasis On Holistic Kidney Care And Its Integral Role In Modern Healthcare

As we continue to advance in the pivotal field of healthcare, a paradigm shift is evident. The predominant focus that was once on treating isolated ailments is slowly giving way to an incline toward a more comprehensive, ecological approach. This is the philosophy that we at PRINE Health embrace with open arms. We champion a holistic approach where we hand-hold our patients through their illness while paying heed to their systemic health.


The Imperative Of Kidney Health Management

Emphasizing kidney health is critical, especially in the face of the pervasive Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), which currently affects nearly 30 million adults across the United States. This vast prevalence requires the healthcare community to confront not only the sheer volume of cases but also the intricate and convoluted nature of the disease itself. CKD, often described as an insidious enemy, extends beyond renal health, impacting a multitude of bodily systems and often masking its true reach with muted elusive symptoms.


CKD: The Unpredictable Adversary

The intricate and deceptive nature of CKD poses further difficulties, with an overwhelming 86% of cases presenting with one or more additional health conditions or comorbidities. Comorbidity alliances, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, depression, and bone disease, further complicate CKD, intertwining with the primary disease in a pernicious dance that accelerates disease progression and complicates treatment strategies.


Responding To The Multifaceted Nature Of CKD

The precarious interplay between CKD and its frequent comorbidities necessitates an approach to kidney care that is both comprehensive and individualized—one that can navigate this complex health landscape and address each patient’s unique needs. This calls for collaborative healthcare that synchronizes treatment strategies across different health fields to combat CKD effectively. In the face of such a formidable adversary, our healthcare approach must evolve, acknowledging and addressing the many dimensions of CKD to provide targeted, impactful care.


The Narrow Lens Of Specialized Care

The present healthcare system, marked by its proficiency in treating individual health problems, frequently falters when grappling with intricate disorders such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Specialized care, with its sole focus on the kidneys, can unintentionally bypass the profound implications that comorbidities present. Ignoring these jeopardizes a patient’s overall health and recovery prospects, underscoring the need for a broader health strategy that includes every facet of a patient’s well-being.

Such “tunnel-vision” care can, regrettably, diminish the quality of life for those afflicted with CKD. The patient’s battle doesn’t end with disease-specific treatment; they must also contend with the effects their ailment has on their daily life. Viewing CKD in isolation and neglecting its interconnected comorbidities can impede recovery and undermine treatment efficacy.

This snapshot into the limitations of specialized care highlights the pressing need for an approach that caters to a patient’s all-inclusive health status. To effectively tackle CKD, healthcare needs to transcend its current practices and adopt a strategy that appreciates the patient as an integrated whole rather than a collection of separate ailments.

The Holistic Success Formula At PRINE Health

At PRINE Health, we detour from the traditional path. Our philosophy hinges on a unique, well-rounded care model tailored to the needs of our CKD patients. By creating a robust multi-specialty setup, we ensure patients’ needs are met through a seamless interplay between nephrologists, primary care professionals, and other pertinent specialists.

Our blueprint for success is founded on agile care management, bolstered by advanced IT infrastructure. The objective is value-based kidney care, and we navigate these complex waters steered by our four primary goals:

  • Improving the Quality of Kidney Care: Leveraging a multidisciplinary approach, our mission is to provide a wide spectrum of care that fulfills a patient’s collective health needs.
  • Improving Access to Care and Patient Satisfaction: Centering patient care around the individual unlocks the door to healthcare that is not only efficient and effective but also conducive to bolstering patients’ overall contentment with their care regimen.
  • Eliminating Waste, Redundancies, and Inefficiencies: A harmonious and coordinated team can substantially enhance productivity, ensuring patients benefit from lean care, where they enjoy necessary treatment without the hassle of duplicated or unnecessary procedures.
  • Improving the Experience for Physicians and Care Partners: A cohesive work environment allows healthcare professionals to optimize patient care coordination, reducing stress, enhancing job satisfaction, and cultivating an improved care culture.

By keeping these strategic goals in our sights, we strive to actualize our vision: constructing a comforting and empathetic space for our patients—a safe kidney home where patients’ trials and experiences are recognized, acknowledged, and addressed with care.

PRINE Health stands proud at the vanguard of this evolving paradigm in healthcare, endorsing a comprehensive approach to kidney care. Our faith in treating our patients beyond their individual ailments exemplifies our commitment to fostering improved patient outcomes, higher satisfaction rates, and a healthier future for all our patrons.

We believe that health transcends the mere absence of disease. At PRINE Health, we strive to add life to years, not just years to life. Health, for us, is a blissful blend of mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and we are deeply committed to enriching every facet.

Addressing Peripheral Vascular Issues For Kidney Patients


As a healthcare provider specializing in kidney care, PRINE Health is deeply invested in maintaining the vascular health of our patients. One of the most pressing conditions faced by kidney patients today is peripheral vascular disease (PVD), which affects blood vessels outside the heart and brain and is characterized by narrowed arteries reducing blood flow to the limbs.

The Connection Between Peripheral Vascular Disease And Kidney Health

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and kidney disease often co-exist in patients due to shared risk factors and common conditions. Atherosclerosis, or the buildup of fatty deposits in artery walls, significantly contributes to PVD. In kidney patients, atherosclerosis can be more prevalent due to their kidney condition, leading to pain during exercise, numbness, and, in severe cases, infection or gangrene.

A factor fueling atherosclerosis in kidney patients is the altered mineral metabolism linked with kidney disease. High blood phosphorus levels, commonly found in advanced kidney disease, can promote calcium and phosphate deposition in arteries, adding to the plaque buildup.

Further, kidney patients frequently battle other conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, which escalate the risk of developing PVD. Diabetes harms blood vessels throughout the body, encouraging atherosclerosis and increasing the predisposition for PVD. High blood pressure, on the other hand, silently inflicts damage on blood vessels, increasing both kidney disease and PVD risks.

In essence, the strong correlation between PVD and kidney health underscores the need for comprehensive treatment approaches. These approaches must not only tackle kidney disease but also proactively curtail the risk of PVD, underlining that optimal vascular health isn’t optional for kidney patients; it is a medical necessity.

The Importance Of Comprehensive Vascular Care For Kidney Patients

For kidney patients enmeshed in the complexity of managing their condition, a proactive and comprehensive approach to care for their vascular health is crucial. At PRINE Health, we acknowledge this imperative, ensuring that preventing and managing peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a central focus of our provided care.

The Cornerstones Of Comprehensive Vascular Care

Our model for comprehensive vascular care revolves around three core pillars—regular vascular screenings, astute medical management, and a range of treatment options encompassing non-invasive and minimally invasive vascular procedures.

  • Vascular Screenings: Regular vascular screenings play a pivotal role in ensuring early detection of PVD. These essential health checks enable us to catch PVD in its infancy, long before it has a chance to progress into a life-threatening condition. Our screening arsenal involves testing procedures that are simple and painless. For example, we often use an ankle-brachial index test, which involves comparing the blood pressure in your ankles to the blood pressure in your arms to ascertain restricted blood flow. Further, ultrasound imaging helps us visualize the blood flow in your limbs—an important diagnostic resource that reveals any pinched or blocked vessels.
  • Medical Management: Aligned with the findings from the vascular screenings, we adopt a medical management approach that is personalized, taking into account the unique health status and needs of every patient. Our medical professionals are ready with a range of strategies, including lifestyle adjustments and medication prescriptions, each aiming to slow down the progression of the disease, manage symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Treatment Options: For cases where lifestyle changes and medication aren’t enough, we are equipped with a selection of treatments to confront the disease head-on. Non-invasive treatments range from exercise therapy to advanced wound care and compression therapy. In circumstances where these are not sufficient, we rely on our capability to perform minimally invasive vascular procedures with the utmost precision aimed at restoring proper blood flow.

Every touchpoint within our comprehensive vascular care approach is designed to keep kidney patients one step ahead of PVD. By providing regular assessments, personalized medical management, and appropriate, timely treatments, we are committed to reducing the adverse impacts of PVD on kidney patients’ lives.

Benefits Of Vascular Screening

Vascular screening brings numerous benefits to kidney patients:

  • Early Detection: Vascular screenings enable us to detect PVD before it causes significant symptoms. Early detection allows for a wider range of less invasive treatment options and can prevent severe complications.
  • Better Treatment Planning: Regular screenings offer up-to-date information on your vascular health, enabling your healthcare provider to optimize your treatment plan.
  • Reduced Health Risks: Regular vascular screening reduces the risk of severe complications, such as heart attacks, strokes, and limb amputations.

At PRINE Health, we are committed to providing our kidney patients with comprehensive vascular care. Our dedicated team of professionals tailors treatments to individual patient needs, helping them achieve the best possible outcomes.

To learn more, click here to find out about vascular health, or schedule an appointment with a professional by contacting us here.


Causes Of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common condition affecting millions worldwide. It can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing frequent and sudden urination urges. Fortunately, various management techniques are available to help individuals regain control and improve their bladder function. If you’re seeking professional assistance, a urologist in Hewlett NY at PRINE Health, can provide expert guidance and tailored treatment options. This article will explore the causes of overactive bladder and discuss effective management techniques to help you find relief.

Causes of Overactive Bladder:
Understanding the underlying causes of overactive bladder is crucial in managing the condition effectively. While the exact cause may vary from person to person, some common factors that contribute to OAB include:

•Bladder Muscle Dysfunction: An overactive bladder can result from involuntary contractions of the bladder muscles.
•Nerve Problems: Nerve damage or dysfunction can disrupt the communication between the bladder and the brain, leading to OAB symptoms.
•Bladder Irritation: Conditions such as urinary tract infections or bladder stones can irritate the bladder, triggering overactive symptoms.


Management Techniques for Overactive Bladder:

Managing an overactive bladder involves a combination of lifestyle modifications, behavioral strategies, and medical interventions. Here are some effective techniques to consider:

•Bladder Training: This technique involves scheduled voiding and gradually increasing the time between bathroom visits to improve bladder control.
•Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels can help enhance bladder control and reduce OAB symptoms.
•Fluid Management: Adjusting fluid intake, avoiding bladder irritants (e.g., caffeine and alcohol), and maintaining a healthy hydration balance can minimize OAB symptoms.
•Medications: Our urologist may prescribe medications to relax the bladder muscles, decrease bladder spasms, or regulate nerve signals to alleviate OAB symptoms.

Consult Our Urologist in Hewlett NY at PRINE Health:
An overactive bladder doesn’t have to control your life. By understanding the causes and implementing effective management techniques, you can improve your bladder function and reduce the impact of OAB on your daily activities. Consulting our urologist in Hewlett NY, at PRINE Health is crucial for receiving expert guidance and personalized treatment options. Remember, you don’t have to face this condition alone. Don’t let an overactive bladder hold you back—take proactive steps toward managing and overcoming this condition today.


PRINE Urology

Specializing In Highly Personal Patient Care Using Today’s Cutting Edge Treatments

Welcome to PRINE Urology. We are dedicated to providing our patients with state-of-the-art medical and surgical treatments available. Our physician is a board-certified Urologist who treats a wide array of urological conditions from minor problems to complex surgery. We provide a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan for every patient in a friendly, personal, and compassionate manner. Contact our Urologist in Hewlett NY today!

Our mission at PRINE Urology is to passionately pursue our patients’ health and well-being by providing the most sophisticated diagnostic, therapeutic, health-promoting, and preventative practices, with unrelenting attention to the individual needs of each patient. We recognize each patient’s needs and desired outcomes while formulating an effective and personalized treatment plan. Dr. Grotas is a board-certified urologist, specializing in male and female urinary issues. He has authored many articles in peer-reviewed urology and radiology journals.


Services Offered:

We diagnose and treat any and all conditions including specializing in the following urological services and a full array of services:


In Office Ultrasound Of Urologic Organs

Prostate Biopsy With Local AnesthesiaState Of Art Digital Cystoscopy With Local AnesthesiaUrodynamic TestingNerve Testing For Urine Analysis And Sophisticated Pathologic TestingCommon Urological ConditionsFrom routine checkups to treatments and surgery, New York Urology focuses on all of your urological ailments, with all the services you need to feel happy and healthy: Kidney StonesProstate Cancer Screening And TreatmentMale Sexual FunctionEnlarged ProstateOveractive Bladder For Men And WomenBlood In Urine (Hematuria)Urinary Tract InfectionsMale AndropauseFeel Better TodayWe offer diagnostic services and a broad spectrum of surgical and non-surgical treatments for both male and female urological conditions. Patient care is our highest priority, and we encourage you to contact us with your questions and concerns. Our professional, friendly, and knowledgeable physicians and staff are proud to assist you in managing your urologic health. We look forward to providing you with quality comprehensive medical care.

When Should I Worry About Kidney Pain?

Identifying Kidney Pain

When Should I Worry About Kidney

If you experience kidney pain, you likely have a problem in your urinary system. Due to the severity of this, you should visit a doctor immediately. Our nephrologist in Long Island NY, can help diagnose and treat the condition. Visit our experienced staff at Prine Health to get started.

Pain in the kidneys can be a sign of a variety of serious issues, including the following:

●Kidney infection
●Kidney stones
●Kidney cancer

While it may not be as severe as the conditions above, it is difficult to know without a proper diagnosis, so it is better to be safe and verify where your kidney pain is coming from so you can begin treatment.



Kidney pain will feel like constant aching pain rather than acute sharp pain. It will usually appear in the following areas:

●Upper abdomen

You may be experiencing other symptoms along with Kidney pain, depending on your diagnosis. Our nephrologist in Long Island NY, can analyze your symptoms and run tests to find the best treatment to recover.


Kidney Pain Treatment

The treatment you receive will significantly depend on your diagnosis by our nephrologist in Long Island NY. Your treatment options will vary depending on the severity of the condition. If there is a structural problem, it will likely require surgery. Nonetheless, there are many options to relieve the pain.

The following are standard treatment methods to relieve kidney pain:

●Heat Application
●Applying heating pads to the abdomen, back, and sides can help to relax the muscles and reduce pain.
●Take pain relief medication.
●If the pain is severe, your doctor may prescribe medication. However, you should always ask your doctor before starting any medication, particularly if you are starting any other treatments with which the drug could interfere.
●Stay hydrated.
●Staying hydrated is vital for good kidney health. It can also flush out bacteria that may be causing a kidney infection.


Request an Appointment with a Nephrologist in Long Island, NY

If you have been experiencing kidney pain, make an appointment now with our nephrologist in Long Island NY. You can find a provider near you on our website. Our doctors can provide a complete diagnosis and treatment plan for whatever condition is causing your kidney pain. Don’t ignore your kidney pain and wait to find out you may have a terminal illness. Get treatment now so you can return to an active and pain-free life.

When Do I Need To Worry About My Creatinine Levels?

When Do I Need To Worry About My Creatinine

Creatinine levels are essential for your health. The groups are measured in milligrams per deciliter and are found in the blood and urine. Levels of creatinine in the blood can be measured to assess the risk of disease, but stories in urine can also be calculated for the same purposes. PRINE Health is available to assist you in learning about creatinine. Visit our website to schedule an appointment with the best nephrologist on Long Island NY.


What Are Creatinine Levels?

Creatinine levels are a measurement of the amount of creatinine in your blood. Creatinine is a waste product that is created when muscle cells break down. Creatinine is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and is then excreted in the urine. If your creatinine levels are high, your kidneys are not working correctly. Several things, including diabetes, dehydration, or kidney disease, can cause this. It would be best if you were concerned when your creatinine levels are high. If your creatinine levels are high, contact the best nephrologist in Long Island NY.


When Do I Need To Worry About My Creatinine Levels?

Creatinine is a substance found in your blood and a byproduct of muscle metabolism. Creatinine is excreted through the kidneys. Most people with kidney disease have high levels of creatinine in their blood. This is because the kidneys can no longer filter the blood effectively. However, creatinine levels can also be high in people who do not have kidney disease. This may be caused by many things, including a condition called hypercreatininemia. Increased creatinine levels in the blood or urine characterize this condition. It is crucial to have your creatinine levels checked once a year by a healthcare provider. PRINE Health can conduct an accurate reading of creatinine and give you advice about the results. We can pair you with some of the best nephrologists in Long Island NY!


Factors Affecting Creatinine Levels

Creatinine is a waste product that is produced in the kidneys. When creatinine levels are too high, it is usually due to kidney disease. Creatinine levels are checked with a simple urine test at the doctor’s office. When creatinine levels are too high, it is usually due to kidney disease. Creatinine levels are checked with a simple urine test at the doctor’s office.


The Best Nephrologist on Long Island, NY

Creatinine levels are a part of the health check your doctor may perform to ensure you are in good health. This is a non-toxic chemical your body produces and excretes through the kidneys. There are two levels of creatinine: the first level is the level that is excreted by the kidneys, and the second is the level that is passed through the urine. Visit our website or call us today if you want the best nephrologist in Long Island NY!

Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins For CKD

Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins
Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins For CKD

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) occurs when the kidney gradually loses function over time. According to the National Kidney Foundation, chronic kidney disease is extremely common; the disease affects 30 million adults in America. When left untreated, it can become progressively worse, leading to a plethora of health complications. Complications may include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anemia
  • Weak bones
  • Poor nutritional health
  • Nerve damage

Visiting a medical professional is the first step toward treating CKD. When you visit a nephrologist in Freeport, they may suggest you make certain lifestyle changes to help prevent the disease from further affecting your health. This could include taking vitamins with specific nutrients that promote kidney health.


Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins:

In general, vitamins and supplements can offer you a number of different health benefits. Certain health conditions, like CKD, may require you to take prescribed medications or avoid certain foods, which could lead you to miss out on nutrients.

For CKD or any other kidney complication, vitamins can be one of the best forms of treatment as well as prevention. If you suffer from kidney disease of any sort, it is highly likely that you are lacking vitamins and minerals. When you visit your nephrologist in Freeport, you can ask which vitamins your body may be lacking and how you can get back on track.


Which Vitamins Are Best For CKD:

When talking with your nephrologist in Freeport, it’s important to highlight which vitamins or minerals your body may be in need of. Being able to identify the specific kinds of supplements that can help promote kidney health is essential. If you are looking to improve your health with vitamins, you may want to consider the following:

  • B Complex
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium

Paring these vitamins together can help prevent complications that come along with CKD. Aside from knowing which vitamins you need, also be mindful of the ones you should avoid. These include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

These vitamins can build up in your body and lead to a surplus, which can become harmful.


Contact A Nephrologist In Freeport:

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the benefits of vitamins for CKD, pay a visit to our team at PRINE Health. We offer an extensive network of nephrologists who can help guide you down the path to better kidney health. Visit our website to learn more about our locations and to schedule an appointment.

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