Providing Top Quality Care to Patients Across Nassau County, Long Island, Queens, and Surrounding New York, NY Areas

Chronic Kidney Disease

Medical Group In Rockville Centre

PRINE Health is a newly developed kidney care group that is placing an emphasis on revolutionizing the kidney care industry. We’re an independent Nephrology based SUPERGROUP infused with Primary Care, Care Management, and cutting-edge technology. Supported by a physician-owned managerial service organization (MSO), PRINE Health provides value-oriented population health and traditional practice management services. Our team is focused on bringing together the elite members of the nephrology industry and those who are specialists, like a Medical Group in Rockville Centre. For information on contacting PRINE Health, please visit our website here. Otherwise, please continue reading this article for more information on the group and our primary goals for the foreseeable future.


Our Vision

Revolutionizing the kidney care industry, PRINE is looking to create innovative treatment plans through a personalized, caregiving approach. By uniting the experts in the field, we’re looking to collectively bring together an association of patients and physicians who can help change the kidney care world for the better. Our goals as an organization include the following:

  • Improve the quality of kidney care and give patients innovative treatment methods.
  • Give easy access to care by boosting the relationship between patient and physician. Thus, giving quality satisfaction for patient care.
  • Eliminate waste, redundancies, and inefficiencies.
  • Overall, make kidney care a much more enjoyable experience; for the physician, care partners, and the patient!

In an ever-changing healthcare industry, the emphasis on kidney care has been somewhat lacking for several years. However, PRINE Health is looking to change this notion. Our specialists, including our Medical Group in Rockville Centre, are able to work together as a collaboration; benefiting the local community and many more patients. The unfortunate truth is those complications such as chronic kidney disease have increased dramatically, as one in seven adults in the United States suffers from this condition. Our nephrology-based SUPERGROUP aims to dramatically lower this number, with the assistance of our partners and collaborators. Emphatic care management is essential for the success of our movement. If you’re interested in joining our movement or have been searching for a specialist, like a Medical Group in Rockville Centre, for Kidney Disease Treatment, contact PRINE Health today for further assistance.

Kidney Stones

great neck nephrologist

Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are formed inside of your kidneys and consist of salt and minerals. They can have a number of different causes, but normally begin to form when your urine becomes concentrated. When this occurs the minerals will begin to crystallize and start sticking together, forming the kidney stone. While passing a kidney stone can be severely painful, it shouldn’t cause too much damage as long as you seek early medical attention. You could also seek out some home remedies that may help treat your kidney stones or prevent it from recurring in the future. It is important to keep in mind that if left untreated, you may need to seek the help of a Medical Group in Rockville Centre for kidney disease treatment in regards to possible surgery!



Kidney stones can go undetected until they begin to move around your ureter. The part of your body that connects your kidneys to the bladder. Once it begins moving around you may feel one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain that is located in your side and back
  • Radiating pain from your abdomen to your groin
  • Fluctuating pain throughout the day
  • Experiencing pain when using the bathroom
  • Discolored urine
    • Pink, red, brown
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Very frequent urination
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Urinating in small amounts
  • Fever or Chills
    • Only if there is an infection


Home Remedies:

Fortunately, prior to seeing a Medical Group in Rockville Centre for kidney disease treatment, there are a few home remedies that you can try to help reduce your risk of kidney stones:

  • Always stay hydrated
  • Increase your intake of Citric Acid
    • By doing this you can prevent stone formation and/or stone enlargement
  • Try not to eat foods high in Oxalates
    • Oxalates can bind calcium and other minerals that form kidney stones
  • Try not to take high dosages of vitamin C
    • This is specifically for Vitamin C supplements
  • Make sure you’re getting enough Calcium
  • Reduce your salt intake
  • Add more Magnesium to your diet

When Is It Time To Contact A Medical Group In Rockville Centre?

While it is never a bad thing to try out natural remedies, it is important to keep in mind that you might not always be able to treat kidney stones on your own. If you begin to experience severe pain in your lower abdomen or genitals, it is time to seek out the help of a doctor. In a not-too-serious case, a doctor may just inform you that you need fluid therapy and pain medications. On the other hand, if your kidney stones get stuck in your urinary tract or begin to cause damage, a doctor may need to schedule surgery as soon as possible. If you or someone you know is suffering from Kidney Stones and would like to try out some natural treatments, make sure to consult with a doctor first! At PRINEhealth, we have a network of professional specialists, including a Medical Group in Rockville Centre, for kidney disease treatment, that can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to kidney stones. Contact us today!


Treatment For A Kidney Infection

Kidney Infections are unfortunately widespread and can occur spontaneously for certain patients. This type of urinary tract infection is known to develop quickly and includes a vast amount of symptoms. Kidney infections can occur when bacteria get into the bladder and the urethra, which triggers the infection and causes discomfort. If you’re suffering from a kidney infection and want to get treatment as soon as possible, visit a Medical Group in Rockville Centre at PRINE Health.


How Does The Infection Start?

There are a few ways that bacteria can get into the bladder. They include poor bathroom hygiene and not properly cleaning the anus once you are finished in the bathroom. Not correctly cleaning can lead to your genitals becoming infected more easily. A Medical Group in Rockville Centre will remind you of some of the ways you may have contracted a kidney infection, and how to prevent it in the future.



Women are more prone to getting a bladder infection because their urethra is much shorter. This makes it easier for infections to reach the urinary tract and cause problems. For females being sexually active can cause issues as well. If the bacteria reaches the urinary tract, this can cause a kidney infection. For men, a kidney infection can be caused by an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate results in a higher chance of getting a kidney infection.


Symptoms Of Kidney Infections:

The following list includes the symptoms one may experience when suffering from a kidney infection:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Shivering uncontrollably
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Groin pain
  • Heightened symptoms while urinating



Kidney infections can either be treated at home or in the hospital under a doctor’s supervision. Depending upon the severity of your symptoms and your current health state, a Medical Group in Rockville Centre can advise you on how to treat your infection. Your doctor may suggest the following options when it comes to clearing up a kidney infection on your own:

  • Antibiotics
    • They’re usually given at first if your infection isn’t too severe.
  • Staying hydrated
    • This will help prevent symptoms like dehydration and fever.
  • Use the bathroom as soon as you need to go

If you have a more severe infection, your doctor may tell you to go to the hospital. You may spend around 3 to 7 days in the hospital. During this time, you’ll be administered a drip that includes antibiotics. When one has a kidney stone, one can have a higher risk of developing a kidney infection down the line. If you think that you may have a kidney infection, then a Medical Group in Rockville Centre at PRINE Health will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding kidney infections. Contact us today for more information!


What Is A Kidney Cyst?

A kidney cyst is defined as a pouch that forms in your kidney and is filled with fluid. There can just be one cyst on one of your kidneys or even multiple cysts on both kidneys. While they can become dangerous, by impairing the function of your kidneys or be the result of a more serious disorder, you should know that most are usually harmless. A Medical Group in Rockville Centre can alert you on the severity of your cyst by determining if it is one of the two types of cysts:

  • “Simple” Kidney Cysts – These cysts are noncancerous, and can usually be identified by their thin walls and water-like fluid. These cysts do not damage your kidney functions.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease – PKD, an inherited condition, causes multiple cysts to form on your kidneys. This can cause damage to your kidneys as they continue to grow.


How Do I Know If I Have Cyst?

Oftentimes, you may not experience any symptoms of a kidney cyst. If the cyst is continuously growing though, the size of it may begin to lead to pressure on nearby organs. You may be suffering from a simple cyst if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Dull pain in the back or side
  • Fever
  • Experiencing pain or swelling in your upper abdomen
  • Frequent urination (more often than normal)
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Blood in your urine

While most of the symptoms remain the same, PKD may cause symptoms such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Pain in back and side
  • Blood in your urine


Why You Should Get Tested:

If you suspect that you are suffering from a kidney cyst, getting tested should be your first priority. A Medical Group in Rockville Centre can diagnose you, and then determine how to proceed with treatment. If you ignore the signs and allow the cyst to grow large enough it could become as big as a tennis ball. This can lead to further complications, other than just pain or discomfort. Other complications may include:

  • An infection within the cyst
  • The cyst bursting
  • The cyst causes a blockage of urine out of the kidney
  • High blood pressure.

For those suffering from PKD, if left untreated, it will often lead to kidney failure by the age of 60.


The Diagnosis:

In order to conduct testing on your possible kidney cyst, a Medical Group in Rockville Centre will likely choose from the following image tests:

  • CT Scan (computed tomography)
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging
  • Ultrasound



In rare cases, after the diagnosis, your doctor may suggest sclerotherapy (draining of the cyst) or even surgery. Typically though, if it is a simple cyst, it is not causing much harm. Your Medical Group in Rockville Centre will then recommend that you continue to get tested every 6 to 12 months to keep an eye on its size. If it does not get any larger you won’t have to take any serious action. If you believe you are suffering from a kidney cyst, there is a Medical Group in Rockville Centre that can help! At PRINE Health, we realize that kidney care is often overlooked. That is why we’ve created a network of nephrologists to help create an integrative team approach to healthcare. With an extensive list of providers, there is no doubt that we can help treat your kidney cyst! Visit our website to schedule an appointment with a nearby provider today!


The Importance Of A Primary Care Physician During The Early Stages Of CKD

Chronic kidney disease, or CKD, is known as the gradual loss of kidney use. The kidneys filter waste and liquids from your blood, which is then discharged into your urine. When CKD becomes more advanced, a dangerous amount of fluids can build up in the body. About 200,000 people a year are diagnosed in the U.S. with this disease. It can be detected through two simple tests, administered by your primary care physician (PCP). What many don’t realize is that your PCP can be a great help in detecting CKD and what the next steps may be for you!


Benefits Of Visiting A Primary Care Physician:

Early detection of CKD by your primary care physician calls for immediate action. He will lower your cardiovascular risk and will make an effort to slow the progression of CKD. There are 5 stages of chronic kidney disease. Any condition beyond Stage 3 should be monitored by a nephrologist as well. Some of the benefits of a primary care physician are listed below:

  • Open communication – Patients should be encouraged to discuss any changes in medication, comfort, urine
  • Effective treatment – Although there is no treatment for CKD, your primary care physician can specify the direct cause of your individualized CKD condition and provide treatment.
  • Stabilization of metabolism – Unfortunately, CKD affects more than just the kidneys and renal function. Your primary care physician can address and regulate any abnormalities in your metabolism.
  • Holistic approach – Your primary care physician will already be familiar with any other factors that could be affecting CKD. With a holistic approach, the medical group in Rockville Center will form the best plan for you.


How Can A Primary Care Physician Help CKD?

During the early stages of CKD, it is crucial to work with your primary care physician to manage the disease. It has been found that co-management of this particular disease can help provide the highest-quality and safest treatment. With initial interference and a complete, integrative physician team approach, your primary care physician can help stay on top of the following:

  •  The stabilization of renal functions (this includes blood pressure and diabetes control as well)
  • Reducing risk factors like hypertension and hyperdilipdema
  • Preventing Vitamin D levels from dropping
  • Lowering Lipids
  • Smoking Cessation

Your PCP can also guide you through the testing procedure once you have been diagnosed. These tests can help determine how well your kidneys are actually functioning as well as which treatment will be best for you. These tests may include:

  • Calculating your Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) – This test is specifically used to show how much kidney function you have.
  • Perform an Ultrasound or CT Scan – Both tests are used to show the size of your kidneys, whether they are too small or too large, as well as a full picture of your kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Perform a Kidney Biopsy – This can show any type of kidney disease and any damage that has occurred.


Why You Should Visit A Medical Group In Rockville Centre:

Although there is no cure for chronic kidney disease, visiting a primary care physician early enough will help treat and lessen your symptoms, as well as slow the progression of this disease. At PRINE Health, we understand that chronic kidney disease is largely overlooked. This is why we have created a medical group in Rockville Centre, consisting of both nephrologists and primary care physicians, to help treat the millions of Americans affected. Contact us today to receive the treatment plan perfect for you!

Medical Group In Nassau County

Medical Group In Nassau County

PRINE Health: Revolutionizing Kidney Care With A Focus On Innovation And Excellence

PRINE Health is a newly developed kidney care group that is placing an emphasis on revolutionizing the kidney care industry. We’re an independent Nephrology based SUPERGROUP infused with Primary Care, Care Management, and cutting-edge technology. Supported by a physician-owned managerial service organization (MSO), PRINE Health is providing value-oriented population health and traditional practice management services. Our team is focused on bringing together the elite members of the nephrology industry and those who are specialists, like a Medical Group in Nassau County. For information on how you can contact PRINE Health, please visit our website here. Otherwise, please continue reading this article for more information on the group and our primary goals for the foreseeable future.


Our Vision

Revolutionizing the kidney care industry, PRINE is looking to create innovative treatment plans through a personalized, caregiving approach. By uniting the experts in the field, we’re looking to collectively bring together an association of patients and physicians who can help change the kidney care world for the better. Our goals as an organization include the following:

  • Improve the quality of kidney care and give patients innovative treatment methods.
  • Give easy access to care by boosting the relationship between patient and physician. Thus, giving quality satisfaction for patient care.
  • Eliminate waste, redundancies, and inefficiencies.
  • Overall, make kidney care a much more enjoyable experience; for the physician, care partners, and the patient!
Untitled design (6)

In an ever-changing healthcare industry, the emphasis on kidney care has been somewhat lacking for several years. However, PRINE Health is looking to change this notion. Our specialists, including our Medical Group in Nassau County, are able to work together as a collaboration; benefiting the local community and many more patients. The unfortunate truth is those complications such as chronic kidney disease have increased dramatically, as one in seven adults in the United States suffers from this condition. Our nephrology-based SUPERGROUP aims to dramatically lower this number, with the assistance of our partners and collaborators. Emphatic care management is essential for the success of our movement. If you’re interested in joining our movement or have been searching for a specialist, like a Medical Group in Nassau County, for Kidney Disease Treatment, contact PRINE Health today for further assistance. Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are formed inside of your kidneys and consist of salt and minerals. They can have a number of different causes, but normally begin to form when your urine becomes concentrated. When this occurs the minerals will begin to crystallize and start sticking together, forming the kidney stone. While passing a kidney stone can be severely painful, it shouldn’t cause too much damage as long as you seek early medical attention. You could also seek out some home remedies that may help treat your kidney stones or prevent it from recurring in the future. It is important to keep in mind that if left untreated, you may need to seek the help of a Medical Group in Nassau County for kidney disease treatment in regards to possible surgery!


Kidney stones can go undetected until they begin to move around your ureter. The part of your body that connects your kidneys to the bladder. Once it begins moving around you may feel one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain that is located in your side and back
  • Radiating pain from your abdomen to your groin
  • Fluctuating pain throughout the day
  • Experiencing pain when using the bathroom
  • Discolored urine: Pink, red, brown
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Very frequent urination
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Urinating in small amounts
  • Fever or Chills: Only if there is an infection

Home Remedies:

Fortunately, prior to seeing a Medical Group in Nassau County for kidney disease treatment, there are a few home remedies that you can try to help reduce your risk of kidney stones:

  • Always stay hydrated
  • Increase your intake of Citric Acid
    • By doing this you can prevent stone formation and/or stone enlargement
  • Try not to eat foods high in Oxalates
    • Oxalates can bind calcium and other minerals that form kidney stones
  • Try not to take high dosages of vitamin C
    • This is specifically for Vitamin C supplements
  • Make sure you’re getting enough Calcium
  • Reduce your salt intake
  • Add more Magnesium to your diet


When Is It Time To Contact A Medical Group In Nassau County?

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While it is never a bad thing to try out natural remedies, it is important to keep in mind that you might not always be able to treat kidney stones on your own. If you begin to experience severe pain in your lower abdomen or genitals, it is time to seek out the help of a doctor. In a not-too-serious case, a doctor may just inform you that you need fluid therapy and pain medications. While on the other hand, if your kidney stones get stuck in your urinary tract or begin to cause damage, a doctor may need to schedule surgery as soon as possible. If you or someone you know is suffering from Kidney Stones and would like to try out some natural treatments, make sure to consult with a doctor first! At PRINEhealth, we have a network of professional specialists, including a Medical Group in Nassau County, for kidney disease treatment, that can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to kidney stones. Contact us today! Kidney Infections are unfortunately widespread and can occur spontaneously for certain patients. This type of urinary tract infection is known to develop quickly and includes a vast amount of symptoms. Kidney infections can occur when bacteria get into the bladder and the urethra, which triggers the infection and causes discomfort. If you’re suffering from a kidney infection and want to get treatment as soon as possible, visit a Medical Group in Nassau County at PRINE Health.

How Does The Infection Start?

There are a few ways that bacteria can get into the bladder. They include poor bathroom hygiene and not properly cleaning the anus once you are finished in the bathroom. Not correctly cleaning can lead to your genitals becoming infected more easily. A Medical Group in Nassau County will remind you of some of the ways you may have contracted a kidney infection, and how to prevent it in the future.


Women are more prone to getting a bladder infection because their urethra is much shorter. This makes it easier for infections to reach the urinary tract and cause problems. For females being sexually active can cause issues as well. If the bacteria reaches the urinary tract, this can cause a kidney infection. For men, a kidney infection can be caused by an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate results in a higher chance of getting a kidney infection.

Symptoms Of Kidney Infections:

The following list includes the symptoms one may experience when suffering from a kidney infection:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Shivering uncontrollably
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Groin pain
  • Heightened symptoms while urinating


Kidney infections can either be treated at home or in the hospital under a doctor’s supervision. Depending upon the severity of your symptoms and your current health state, a Medical Group in Nassau County can advise you on how to treat your infection. Your doctor may suggest the following options when it comes to clearing up a kidney infection on your own:

  • Antibiotics
    • They’re usually given at first if your infection isn’t too severe.
  • Staying hydrated
    • This will help prevent symptoms like dehydration and fever.
  • Use the bathroom as soon as you need to go

If you have a more severe infection, your doctor may tell you to go to the hospital. You may spend around 3 to 7 days in the hospital. During this time, you’ll be administered a drip that includes antibiotics.

CKD Treatment

When one has a kidney stone, one can have a higher risk of developing a kidney infection down the line. If you think that you may have a kidney infection, then a Medical Group in Nassau County at PRINE Health will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding kidney infections. Contact us today for more information!

What Is A Kidney Cyst?

A kidney cyst is defined as a pouch that forms in your kidney and is filled with fluid. There can just be one cyst on one of your kidneys or even multiple cysts on both kidneys. While they can become dangerous, by impairing the function of your kidneys or be the result of a more serious disorder, you should know that most are usually harmless. A Medical Group in Nassau County can alert you on the severity of your cyst by determining if it is one of the two types of cysts:

  • “Simple” Kidney Cysts – These cysts are noncancerous, and can usually be identified by their thin walls and water-like fluid. These cysts do not damage your kidney functions.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease – PKD, an inherited condition, causes multiple cysts to form on your kidneys. This can cause damage to your kidneys as they continue to grow.

How Do I Know If I Have Cyst?

Oftentimes, you may not experience any symptoms of a kidney cyst. If the cyst is continuously growing though, the size of it may begin to lead to pressure on nearby organs. You may be suffering from a simple cyst if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Dull pain in the back or side
  • Fever
  • Experiencing pain or swelling in your upper abdomen
  • Frequent urination (more often than normal)
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Blood in your urine

While most of the symptoms remain the same, PKD may cause symptoms such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Pain in back and side
  • Blood in your urine


Why You Should Get Tested:

If you suspect that you are suffering from a kidney cyst, getting tested should be your first priority. A Medical Group in Nassau County can diagnose you, and then determine how to proceed with treatment. If you ignore the signs and allow the cyst to grow large enough it could become as big as a tennis ball. This can lead to further complications, other than just pain or discomfort. Other complications may include:

  • An infection within the cyst
  • The cyst bursting
  • The cyst causes a blockage of urine out of the kidney
  • High blood pressure.

For those suffering from PKD, if left untreated, will often lead to kidney failure by the age of 60.


The Diagnosis:

In order to conduct testing on your possible kidney cyst, a Medical Group in Nassau County will likely choose from the following image tests:

  • CT Scan (computed tomography)
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging
  • Ultrasound



In rare cases, after the diagnosis, your doctor may suggest sclerotherapy (draining of the cyst) or even surgery. Typically though, if it is a simple cyst, it is not causing much harm. Your Medical Group in Nassau County will then recommend that you continue to get tested every 6 to 12 months to keep an eye on its size. If it does not get any larger you won’t have to take any serious action. If you believe you are suffering from a kidney cyst, there is a Medical Group in Nassau County that can help! At PRINE Health, we realize that kidney care is often overlooked. That is why we’ve created a network of nephrologists to help create an integrative team approach to healthcare. With an extensive list of providers, there is no doubt that we can help treat your kidney cyst! Visit our website to schedule an appointment with a nearby provider today!

Kidney Stones: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Kidney stones are solid salt and mineral deposits that develop inside the kidneys. They can be as very small or even as large as a golf ball, and they can cause excruciating pain as they move through the urinary tract, which requires the help of a Urologist in Long Island NY at PRINE Health today.


Causes of Kidney Stones

  • Dehydration: Not getting enough water can cause urine to become more concentrated, which raises the possibility of kidney stones developing.
  • Diet: Kidney stones are more likely to form if you eat a lot of protein, sodium, and sweets.
  • Genetics: Some people have a higher risk of developing kidney stones because the ailment runs in their family.
  • Medical problems: Kidney stones are more likely to develop in people who have certain medical diseases, such as hyperparathyroidism, gout, and urinary tract infections.
  • The risk of kidney stones can be increased by a number of drugs, including diuretics and antacids.



  • Severe back and side discomfort that is located behind the ribs
  • Radiating discomfort in the groin and lower abdomen
  • Unpleasant urination
  • Red, pink, or brown urine
  • Nausea and diarrhea
  • Constant urge to urinate
  • More frequent urination than normal
  • Fever and chills (if an infection is present)


Treatment for Kidney Stones

  • Consuming a lot of liquids to assist the stone being flushed out.
  • Using over-the-counter or prescription painkillers to manage pain.
  • Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is the process of dissolving the stone using sound waves.
  • Surgical surgery, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, or ureteroscopy may be used to remove the stone.
  • Medication to dissolve specific kidney stones.


Prevention of Kidney Stones

  • Drink a lot of water all day long.
  • Reduce your intake of sodium and animal protein.
  • Reduce your intake of oxalate-rich foods like spinach, chocolate, almonds, and tea.
  • Eat adequate calcium-rich foods or take calcium supplements.

Discuss your treatment options with our Urologist in Long Island NY if you have a high risk of developing kidney stones.


Contact Our Urologist on Long Island NY

If you’re suffering from kidney stones, do not hesitate to contact our Urologist in Long Island NY, at PRINE Health to address any concerns you may have regarding your health.

Kidney Infection Treatment

Kidney Infections are unfortunately widespread and can occur spontaneously for certain patients. This type of urinary tract infection is known to develop quickly and includes a vast amount of symptoms. Kidney infections can occur when bacteria get into the bladder and the urethra, which triggers the infection and causes discomfort. If you’re suffering from a kidney infection and want to get treatment as soon as possible, visit a nephrologist in Great Neck such as the experts over at PRINE Health.


How does the infection start?

There are a few ways that bacteria can get into the bladder. They include poor bathroom hygiene and not properly cleaning the anus once you are finished in the bathroom. Not correctly cleaning can lead to your genitals becoming infected more easily. A nephrologist in Great Neck will remind you of some of the ways you may have contracted a kidney infection, and how to prevent it in the future.



Women are more prone to getting a bladder infection because their urethra is much shorter. This makes it easier for infections to reach the urinary tract and cause problems. For females being sexually active can cause issues as well. If the bacteria reaches the urinary tract, this can cause a kidney infection. For men, a kidney infection can be caused by an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate results in a higher chance of getting a kidney infection.


Symptoms of Kidney Infections:

The following list includes the symptoms one may experience when suffering from a kidney infection:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Shivering uncontrollably
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Groin pain
  • Heightened symptoms while urinating



Kidney infections can either be treated at home or in the hospital under a doctor’s supervision. Depending upon the severity of your symptoms and your current health state, a nephrologist in Great Neck can advise you on how to treat your infection. Your doctor may suggest the following options when it comes to clearing up a kidney infection on your own:

  • Antibiotics: They’re usually given at first if your infection isn’t too severe.
  • Staying hydrated: This will help prevent symptoms like dehydration and fever.
  • Use the bathroom as soon as you need to go

If you have a more severe infection, your doctor may tell you to go to the hospital. You may spend around 3 to 7 days in the hospital. During this time, you’ll be administered a drip that includes antibiotics. When one has a kidney stone, one can have a higher risk of developing a kidney infection down the line. If you think that you may have a kidney infection, then a Nephrologist in Great Neck at PRINE Health will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding kidney infections. Contact us today for more information!

Kidney Disease Treatment In Nassau County

Kidney Disease Treatment

Kidney Disease Treatment In Nassau County

PRINE Health is a newly developed kidney care group that is placing an emphasis on revolutionizing the kidney care industry. We’re an independent nephrology-based SUPERGROUP infused with Primary Care, Care Management, and cutting-edge technology. Supported by a physician-owned managerial service organization (MSO), PRINE Health is providing value-oriented population health and traditional practice management services. Our team is focused on bringing together the elite members of the nephrology industry and those who are specialists in kidney disease treatment in Nassau County. For information on how you can contact PRINE Health, please visit our website here. Otherwise, please continue reading this article for more information on the group and our primary goals for the foreseeable future.


Our Vision

Revolutionizing the kidney care industry, PRINE is looking to create innovative treatment plans through a personalized, caregiving approach. By uniting the experts in the field, we’re looking to collectively bring together an association of patients and physicians who can help change the kidney care world for the better.

Our goals as an organization include the following:

  • Improve the quality of kidney care and give patients innovative treatment methods.
  • Give easy access to care by boosting the relationship between patient and physician. Thus, giving quality satisfaction for patient care.
  • Eliminate waste, redundancies, and inefficiencies.
  • Overall, makes kidney care a much more enjoyable experience; for the physician, care partners, and the patient!

In an ever-changing healthcare industry, the emphasis on kidney care has been somewhat lacking for several years. However, PRINE Health is looking to change this notion. Our specialists for kidney disease treatment in Nassau County are able to work together as a collaboration; benefiting the local community and many more patients. The unfortunate truth is those complications such as chronic kidney disease have increased dramatically, as one in seven adults in the United States suffers from this condition. Our nephrology-based SUPERGROUP aims to dramatically lower this number, with the assistance of our partners and collaborators. Emphatic care management is essential for the success of our movement.

If you’re interested in joining our movement or have been searching for a specialist for Kidney Disease Treatment in Nassau County, contact PRINE Health today for further assistance.


Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are formed inside of your kidneys and consist of salt and minerals. They can have a number of different causes, but normally begin to form when your urine becomes concentrated. When this occurs the minerals will begin to crystallize and start sticking together, forming the kidney stone. While passing a kidney stone can be severely painful, it shouldn’t cause too much damage as long as you seek early medical attention. You could also seek out some home remedies that may help treat your kidney stones or prevent it from recurring in the future.

It is important to keep in mind that if left untreated, you may need to seek the help of a specialist for kidney disease treatment in Nassau County in regard to possible surgery!



Kidney stones can go undetected until they begin to move around your ureter. The part of your body that connects your kidneys to the bladder. Once it begins moving around you may feel one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain that is located in your side and back
  • Radiating pain from your abdomen to your groin
  • Fluctuating pain throughout the day
  • Experiencing pain when using the bathroom
  • Discolored urine: Pink, red, brown
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Very frequent urination
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Urinating in small amounts
  • Fever or Chills: Only if there is an infection


Home Remedies:

Fortunately, prior to seeing a specialist for kidney disease treatment in Nassau County, there are a few home remedies that you can try to help reduce your risk of kidney stones:

  • Always stay hydrated
  • Increase your intake of Citric Acid: By doing this you can prevent stone formation and/or stone enlargement
  • Try not to eat foods high in Oxalates: Oxalates can bind calcium and other minerals that form kidney stones
  • Try not to take high dosages of vitamin C: This is specifically for Vitamin C supplements
  • Make sure you’re getting enough Calcium
  • Reduce your salt intake
  • Add more Magnesium to your diet


When is it time to contact a specialist for kidney disease treatment in Nassau County?

While it is never a bad thing to try out natural remedies, it is important to keep in mind that you might not always be able to treat kidney stones on your own. If you begin to experience severe pain in your lower abdomen or genitals, it is time to seek out the help of a doctor. In a not-too-serious case, a doctor may just inform you that you need fluid therapy and pain medications. While on the other hand, if your kidney stones get stuck in your urinary tract or begin to cause damage, a doctor may need to schedule surgery as soon as possible.

If you or someone you know is suffering from Kidney Stones and would like to try out some natural treatments, make sure to consult with a doctor first! At PRINEhealth, we have a network of professional specialists for kidney disease treatment in Nassau County, that can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to kidney stones. Contact us today!

Early Detection For Prostate Cancer

Early Detection For Prostate Cancer

A cancer diagnosis is overwhelming no matter which kind or stage. However, early detection is key in increasing your chances of effectively treating the cancer. This involves screening to identify the cancer and to determine its aggressiveness. Please continue reading if you are looking for a urologist near Lynbrook, NY, at PRINE Health.


What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that occurs in the prostate. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, this form of cancer is the most commonly diagnosed in the United States. The prostate is the small, walnut-shaped gland that produces the seminal fluid that both transports and nourishes sperm. Although many prostate cancers are low-risk or “slow-moving,” there are still aggressive forms to be mindful of.


Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Symptoms may be nonexistent in the early stages. This is why early and annual screenings are important. However, sometimes symptoms are present. Some include:

  • Blood in urine
  • Pain during urination
  • Frequent urination
  • Weak flow of urine
  • Bone pain
  • Erectile Dysfunction

Causes and Risk Factors
Unfortunately, the exact cause of prostate cancer isn’t clear. However, like all other cancers, DNA mutations cause cancer cells to grow. What causes the DNA to mutate is errors in replication. Because of this, rapid cell growth occurs, which creates abnormal cells while healthy ones die. As for risk factors, some are:

  • Older age
  • Family history
  • Race
  • Obesity



Early detection plays a crucial role in diagnosing and managing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, and its incidence increases with age. Detecting prostate cancer in its early stages significantly improves treatment outcomes and increases the chances of successful recovery. Regular screening tests, such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and digital rectal exams (DRE), are essential for identifying potential signs of prostate cancer before symptoms manifest. By detecting prostate cancer early, our urologist near Lynbrook, NY, can develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs, potentially minimizing the impact of the disease and increasing the chances of a favorable prognosis.


Contact Our Urologist Near Lynbrook NY

At PRINE Health, we understand that a cancer diagnosis comes with many concerns and uncertainties. However, early detection can mean better health and peace of mind. Give yourself the best chances possible by speaking with a urologist near Lynbrook, NY. Schedule an appointment today!


Services Offered:

We diagnose and treat any and all conditions including specializing in the following urological services and a full array of services:

  • Office Ultrasound Of Urologic Organs
  • Prostate Biopsy With Local Anesthesia
  • State Of The Art Digital Cystoscopy With Local Anesthesia
  • Urodynamic Testing
  • Nerve Testing For Urine Analysis And Sophisticated Pathology Testing


Common Urological Conditions

From routine checkups to treatments and surgery, New York Urology focuses on all of your urological ailments, with all the services you need to feel happy and healthy:

  • Kidney Stones
  • Prostate Cancer Screening And Treatment
  • Male Sexual Function
  • Enlarged Prostate
  • Overactive Bladder For Men And Women
  • Blood In Urine (Hematuria)


Feel Better Today

We offer diagnostic services and a broad spectrum of surgical and non-surgical treatments for both male and female urological conditions. Patient care is our highest priority, and we encourage you to contact us with your questions and concerns. Our professional, friendly, and knowledgeable physicians and staff are proud to assist you in managing your urologic health. We look forward to providing you with quality comprehensive medical care.

Detoxing Your Kidneys

Our kidneys play a crucial role in helping our bodies get rid of excess waste, and hormone creation, and helping to balance our electrolytes. Making sure that your kidneys are properly functioning is a major part of your overall health. Typically, someone who does not suffer from any sickness or disease involving their kidneys will be able to maintain kidney health with proper water intake. While staying hydrated is a huge part of having healthy kidneys, there are also certain foods, herbs, and even drinks that could help as well. At times though, we may get carried away and believe we need to do a complete kidney cleanse. While it is important to pay mind to our kidney health, we need to do it safely.

Consulting with a medical group in Great Neck can be the first step in starting a healthy detox. At PRINE Health, our team is made up of nephrologists, primary care physicians, and other complementary physicians who specialize in the kidneys and can ensure you aren’t missing anything when it comes to building a proper diet to support your kidney health.


What Exactly Is A Kidney Cleanse?

Our kidneys are our bodies’ natural filtration system. When functioning correctly they help remove any toxins, waste, or excess water from our blood. Essentially, when fluid intake is regular and abundant, our kidneys can cleanse themselves. Some may worry that they are not getting enough fluid to their kidneys, therefore they need to cleanse.  During a cleanse, you will usually consume certain foods as well as herbs that are known to remove toxins from your body. While cleansing your body should be a good thing, these detox programs usually involve a restricted diet and are not always backed fully in the medical field. Rather than buy into a detox, why not consult with a physician at a medical group in Great Neck? Our team can help determine which foods, herbs, or drinks you may want to incorporate into your diet to help boost kidney function!


What Should I Be Adding To My Diet?

If you are looking to help aid in the kidney cleansing process, make sure you discuss some of the following suggestions with your healthcare provider at a medical group in  Great Neck:


Foods you can eat:

  • Grapes
  • Cranberries
  • Lemon, orange, and melon juice
  • Calcium-rich food


Kidney-cleansing teas:

  • Stinging nettle
  • Hydrangea
  • Sambong


Helpful Supplements:

  • Vitamin B-6
  • Omega-3’s
  • Potassium Citrate


Visit A Medical Group In Great Neck:

Before you decide to dive into a new diet, make sure you talk to your doctor first. At PRINE Health, our team can help construct the proper nutrition plan you need to help boost your kidneys and overall health. We can ensure your kidneys are properly functioning and help you with preventative measures to reduce your risk for any future illness or disease that could affect them. To learn more about a cleansing and detoxifying diet for your kidneys, contact PRINE Health today!

Chronic Kidney Disease

What Is Chronic Kidney Disease?

Kidney diseases, also known as renal diseases, can create severe complications in the human body. Your kidneys are responsible for removing any waste and extra water that runs through your body, transmitting it into the urine. Your ureters then carry this urine through tube-like structures and transfer it over to the bladder; where it remains until you use the restroom. Naturally, infectious diseases that harm your kidneys can have detrimental consequences for the overall health of your body. Should you be searching for Kidney Disease Treatment in Manhasset, PRINE Health is researching methods for revolutionizing the kidney care industry. For more information regarding Chronic Kidney Disease; please continue reading this article for relevant facts and other useful suggestions.


Chronic Kidney Disease – What You Need To Know:

Customarily, most kidney diseases are known for attacking the nephrons and making them incapable of implementing their primary purpose of removing waste from the body. Chronic Kidney Disease is a degenerative condition that ultimately leads to a gradual loss of kidney function over time. If you’re in need of kidney disease treatment in Manhasset, consider the following symptoms before visiting a local nephrologist:

  • Dissipation of energy and buildup of chronic fatigue.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Difficulty falling asleep at night.
  • Frequent muscle cramps.
  • Swelling of the feet/ankles.
  • Puffiness around the eyes.
  • Dry skin and itchiness.
  • Constant urination.

Often, patients who suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure tend to be more susceptible to Chronic Kidney Diseases as opposed to patients who do not. Unfortunately, statistics have revealed that nearly 30 million adults in the United States suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease, while millions of others are at risk. If you’re nervous about your symptoms and need to speak with an expert, PRINE can be of assistance. Our staff focuses on early intervention when it comes to Chronic Kidney Disease, as we believe combining this with optimized physician-patient alignment is critical in increasing the effectiveness of treatment for this condition.

Should you or a loved one be suffering from any kidney-related ailment, get in touch with PRINE Health ASAP! For Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Manhasset, we’re your go-to nephrologist. Contact our staff today and let us get you started on healthy, pain-free living!

Causes Of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common condition affecting millions worldwide. It can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing frequent and sudden urination urges. Fortunately, various management techniques are available to help individuals regain control and improve their bladder function. If you’re seeking professional assistance, a urologist in Hewlett NY at PRINE Health, can provide expert guidance and tailored treatment options. This article will explore the causes of overactive bladder and discuss effective management techniques to help you find relief.


Causes of Overactive Bladder:

Understanding the underlying causes of overactive bladder is crucial in managing the condition effectively. While the exact cause may vary from person to person, some common factors that contribute to OAB include:

•Bladder Muscle Dysfunction: An overactive bladder can result from involuntary contractions of the bladder muscles.
•Nerve Problems: Nerve damage or dysfunction can disrupt the communication between the bladder and the brain, leading to OAB symptoms.
•Bladder Irritation: Conditions such as urinary tract infections or bladder stones can irritate the bladder, triggering overactive symptoms.


Managing an Overactive Bladder:

Managing an overactive bladder involves a combination of lifestyle modifications, behavioral strategies, and medical interventions. Here are some effective techniques to consider:

•Bladder Training: This technique involves scheduled voiding and gradually increasing the time between bathroom visits to improve bladder control.
•Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels can help enhance bladder control and reduce OAB symptoms.
•Fluid Management: Adjusting fluid intake, avoiding bladder irritants (e.g., caffeine and alcohol), and maintaining a healthy hydration balance can minimize OAB symptoms.
•Medications: Our urologist may prescribe medications to relax the bladder muscles, decrease bladder spasms, or regulate nerve signals to alleviate OAB symptoms.


Consult a PRINE Urologist in Hewlett, NY:

An overactive bladder doesn’t have to control your life. By understanding the causes and implementing effective management techniques, you can improve your bladder function and reduce the impact of OAB on your daily activities. Consulting our urologist in Hewlett NY, at PRINE Health is crucial for receiving expert guidance and personalized treatment options. Remember, you don’t have to face this condition alone. Don’t let an overactive bladder hold you back—take proactive steps toward managing and overcoming this condition today.

Specialized, Cutting-Edge Treatments for Overactive Bladder

Welcome to PRINE Urology. We are dedicated to providing our patients with state-of-the-art medical and surgical treatments available. Our physician is a board-certified Urologist who treats a wide array of urological conditions from minor problems to complex surgery. We provide a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan for every patient in a friendly, personal, and compassionate manner. Contact our Urologist in Hewlett NY today!

Our mission at PRINE Urology is to passionately pursue our patients’ health and well-being by providing the most sophisticated diagnostic, therapeutic, health-promoting, and preventative practices, with unrelenting attention to the individual needs of each patient. We recognize each patient’s needs and desired outcomes while formulating an effective and personalized treatment plan. Dr. Grotas is a board-certified urologist, specializing in male and female urinary issues. He has authored many articles in peer-reviewed urology and radiology journals.


Services Offered:

We diagnose and treat any and all conditions including specializing in the following urological services and a full array of services:

  • Office Ultrasound Of Urologic Organs
  • Prostate Biopsy With Local Anesthesia
  • State Of The Art Digital Cystoscopy With Local Anesthesia
  • Urodynamic Testing
  • Nerve Testing For Urine Analysis And Sophisticated Pathology Testing

Common Urological Conditions

From routine checkups to treatments and surgery, New York Urology focuses on all of your urological ailments, with all the services you need to feel happy and healthy:

  • Kidney Stones
  • Prostate Cancer Screening And Treatment
  • Male Sexual Function
  • Enlarged Prostate
  • Overactive Bladder For Men And Women
  • Blood In Urine (Hematuria)
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Male Andropause


Feel Better Today

We offer diagnostic services and a broad spectrum of surgical and non-surgical treatments for both male and female urological conditions. Patient care is our highest priority, and we encourage you to contact us with your questions and concerns. Our professional, friendly, and knowledgeable physicians and staff are proud to assist you in managing your urologic health. We look forward to providing you with quality comprehensive medical care.

Healthcare: The Next Frontier

Our very own Dr. Simon Prince was one of the five industry leaders invited to discuss how the financial aspects of the medical community are impacting patient care!

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