PRINE Health Has Now Added NUTRITION CONSULTS With A Certified Dietitian
Available now in our Manhasset – Bellmore – Rockville Centre locations
Available now in our Manhasset – Bellmore – Rockville Centre locations
Starting in July 2019, she will be located at:
1129 Northern Boulevard, Suite 101
New York, United States 11030
PRINE Health Team Enjoying Happy Hour After Successfully Launching The Group On May 1st
Read About Our Medical Group And How We’ll Be Working To Manage The Complex And Costly Care Of Patients With CKD!
Former NY Met, Ed Kranepool, discusses his upcoming kidney transplant and how he’s been able to stay away from dialysis with the help of Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, of PRINE health.
Several different factors can hurt your kidney health. Whether it’s linked to a medication you regularly take, a chronic disease, or environmental pollutants these can eventually lead to another serious condition; kidney failure. This condition is due to your kidney’s inability to continue sufficiently filtering waste from your blood. Typically, kidney failure is one of the results of chronic kidney disease. Seeking treatment for CKD and kidney failure should never be postponed. If you or someone you know is suffering, visit a nephrologist in Great Neck at PRINE for help!
Some people who have kidney failure experience very few symptoms. Some people don’t experience any. Some of the possible symptoms are:
Every patient experiences different symptoms, depending on their stage and the severity of their CKD.
There are different ways that the kidney may stop functioning and there are different causes behind it. The different types of kidney failure include:
This is a treatment method in which your blood is filtered and purified through a machine that acts as your kidney. Dialysis removes waste, salt, and extra water so they do not build up in your body. It also allows you to maintain a healthy level of chemicals in your blood, such as potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate. Dialysis is typically done in a hospital, but it also can be done in your home. Depending on your condition, your nephrologist in Great Neck will decide which treatment method works best for you! There are two different types of dialysis:
This is another treatment method used to treat kidney failure. Your nephrologist in Great Neck will be able to tell you if you qualify for this surgery. The wait time for a donor can be long unless you have a living donor. This process involves taking immunosuppressive drugs so your body does not reject the new kidney.
If you want to know which treatment option is best for you, contact a nephrologist in Great Neck at PRINE Health!
The kidneys are responsible for filtering extra water and waste out of the blood to make urine. They also make hormones that help regulate blood pressure, make red blood cells, and maintain strength in your bones! When your kidneys are damaged and cannot properly filter blood, this is referred to as chronic kidney disease (CKD). The damage causes waste to fill up the body, along with many other health problems. Over 30 million people have chronic kidney disease in the United States. Here at PRINE Health, our kidney specialists in Great Neck specialize in conditions such as CKD.
Maintaining a healthy diet should always be a top priority. Your diet has a major impact on your body and how it functions. When it comes to CKD, you have to be cautious of what you can and cannot eat because some foods that are typically part of your daily diet may have a negative impact when it comes to CKD. Three major components can slow down the progression of your chronic kidney disease:
It can be hard to analyze the nutritional value of different foods and the science behind it all to ensure you are on the right track to a proper CKD diet. Visiting a nutritionist can be beneficial in making sure you are getting all of the nutrients that will keep your kidneys healthy.
After visiting your kidney specialist in Great Neck, you may want to start figuring out which foods will keep your kidneys healthy! Some of those foods include:
What you can and cannot eat depends on which stage of kidney disease you are on. In the earlier stages, you may have different dietary restrictions than someone who has end-stage renal disease. Earlier stages may require a lower protein intake, whereas those with end-stage renal disease need an increased protein intake. Foods that should be avoided when on a renal diet are:
Overall, it is important to reduce your potassium, phosphorus, and sodium intake. If you are unsure of what foods will have a major impact on your stage of CKD, ask your kidney specialist in Great Neck.
Nutritionists, along with your kidney specialist in Great Neck, can help keep your kidneys healthy and slow down the progression of your CKD. In general, there are many benefits to seeing a nutritionist, such as:
When it comes to eating, it can be difficult to find the support you need other than from your kidney specialist in Great Neck. A nutritionist not only provides more support, but they also can improve your diet without you having to do all that research on what will work best for you and your kidneys. Even after all that research, it can be difficult to find new and exciting recipes to make eating seem less tedious. Sure, you found out that red bell peppers are good for your CKD, but how many recipes can you make with that? Your nutritionist will think for you, all you have to do is cook it!
Figuring out a diet for your chronic kidney disease can be overwhelming. While visiting your kidney specialist in Great Neck at PRINE Health, ask them about the benefits of visiting a nutritionist to increase the quality of your life and diet.
PRINE Health is a newly developed kidney care group that is emphasizing revolutionizing the kidney care industry. We’re an independent nephrology-based SUPERGROUP infused with Primary Care, Care Management, and cutting-edge technology. Supported by a physician-owned managerial service organization (MSO), PRINE Health is providing value-oriented population health and traditional practice management services. Our team is focused on bringing together the elite members of the nephrology industry and kidney specialists in Long Island. For information on how you can contact PRINE Health, please visit our website here. Otherwise, please continue reading this article for more information on the group and our primary goals for the foreseeable future.
Revolutionizing the kidney care industry, PRINE is looking to create innovative treatment plans through a personalized, caregiving approach. By uniting the experts in the field, we’re looking to collectively bring together an association of patients and physicians who can help change the kidney care world for the better.
Our goals as an organization include the following:
In an ever-changing healthcare industry, the emphasis on kidney care has been somewhat lacking for several years. However, PRINE Health is looking to change this notion. Our kidney specialists in Long Island are able to work together as a collaboration; benefiting the local community and many more patients. The unfortunate truth is those complications such as chronic kidney disease have increased dramatically, as one in seven adults in the United States suffers from this condition. Our nephrology-based SUPERGROUP aims to dramatically lower this number, with the assistance of our partners and collaborators. Emphatic care management is essential for the success of our movement.
If you’re interested in joining our movement or have been searching for a kidney specialist in Long Island, contact PRINE Health today for further assistance.
Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are formed inside of your kidneys and consist of salt and minerals. They can have several different causes, but normally begin to form when your urine becomes concentrated. When this occurs the minerals will begin to crystallize and start sticking together, forming the kidney stone. While passing a kidney stone can be severely painful, it shouldn’t cause too much damage as long as you seek early medical attention. You could also seek out some home remedies that may help treat your kidney stones or prevent it from recurring in the future.
It is important to keep in mind that if left untreated, you may need to seek the help of a kidney specialist in Freeport in regard to possible surgery!
Kidney stones can go undetected until they begin to move around your ureter. The part of your body that connects your kidneys to the bladder. Once it begins moving around you may feel one or more of the following symptoms:
Fortunately, prior to seeing a kidney specialist in Freeport, there are a few home remedies that you can try to help reduce your risk of kidney stones:
While it is never a bad thing to try out natural remedies, it is important to keep in mind that you might not always be able to treat kidney stones on your own. If you begin to experience severe pain in your lower abdomen or genitals, it is time to seek out the help of a doctor. In a not-too-serious case, a doctor may just inform you that you need fluid therapy and pain medications. On the other hand, if your kidney stones get stuck in your urinary tract or begin to cause damage, a doctor may need to schedule surgery as soon as possible.
If you or someone you know is suffering from Kidney Stones and would like to try out some natural treatments, make sure to consult with a doctor first! At PRINEhealth, we have a network of professional kidney specialists in Freeport, that can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to kidney stones. Contact us today!
Dr. Berger formerly practiced at ProHEALTH in Lake Success and will be joining us in September 2019:
1129 Northern Boulevard, Suite 101
New York, United States 11030