Providing Top Quality Care to Patients Across Nassau County, Long Island, Queens, and Surrounding New York, NY Areas

PRINE Health Is Leading, Foot First

PRINE Health

PRINE Health is a unique multispecialty group centered around the chronic kidney disease patient population. Here at PRINE, we team up with Nephrologists with Primary Care and other complimentary Specialists to create a patient-centered approach fueled by empathic Care Management and an intelligent IT infrastructure. PRINE Health is proud to introduce PRINE Podiatry, the Best Podiatrist in Nassau County which is a new complementary offering towards our goal of providing a more comprehensive level of care to our patients.

Meet Dr. Alec Hochstein

Dr. Alec Hochstein, is a 1997 graduate of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, practicing on Long Island’s North Shore where he lives with his wife and two children. 

Dr. Hochstein is Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, he is a member of the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) as well as the New York State Podiatric Medical Association (NYSPMA).

Dr. Hochstein is privileged to be actively involved in the training of future doctors of podiatric medicine at residency training programs in New York City and Long Island New York, including the prestigious hospital programs of New York Hospital of Queens, Albert Einstein School of Medicine and Northwell Health System.

Dr. Hochstein maintains other interests in areas of physical fitness and nutrition, as well as Internet technology, and social media marketing. He has lectured both locally and nationally on various topics related to both medicine and technology in the medical office.

PRINE Podiatry services

Athletes Foot

Athlete’s Foot Isn’t Just A Rash Caused By Sweaty Feet;
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Ingrown Toenail

Contact Our Office For Ingrown Toenail Treatment
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Contact PRINE Podiatry By Phoning Our Supportive Team Or Booking
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When Your Feet Hurt, Contact The PRINE Podiatry Helpful Staff By Phone
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Call The Office To Schedule An Appointment, Or Book A Consultation Online
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Plantar Fasciitis

Reach Out To PRINE Podiatry And Our Helpful Staff By Booking
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Diabetic Neuropathy

When You Have Diabetes, You May Develop A Kind Of Nerve Damage Called Diabetic Neuropathy
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If You’ve Noticed Warts Or Rough Patches On Your Feet, We Can Help
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Wound Care

Do You Have A Sore On Your Foot That Just Doesn’t Want To Heal?
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Laser Therapy

Do You Have Chronic Aches And Pains In Your Feet And Ankles?
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Hot Or Cold: What’s Best For Foot Pain?

Most of us have experienced foot pain at some point. A variety of physical or health conditions can cause it. The pain can be so intense that it can become difficult to walk. That’s why knowing what’s best for your foot pain is essential. PRINE Health has experienced teams to assist you in your journey to maximum health. Call us today if you need the Best Podiatrist in Nassau County!

3 Areas Of The Feet That Fail As You Age

As you age, your feet are not immune to the effects of time. It’s normal for certain areas of the feet to experience more wear and tear than others, and if they’re not taken care of properly, they can lead to pain and discomfort. Here are three areas that the Best Podiatrist In Nassau County at PRINE Health can help prevent as you age:

What Are The Different Types Of Foot Pain?

There are different types of foot pain. Some of the common types of foot pain are plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and Achilles tendinitis. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the ligament that attaches to the heel bone. Shin splints are inflammation of the muscles in the legs. Achilles tendonitis is a tendon inflammation that connects the heel bone to the back of the lower leg. All three types of foot pain can be treated with ice and rest. However, it is best to see a doctor's if you have severe foot pain. PRINE Health will work with you and connect you with the Best Podiatrist in Nassau County.

Treatments For Foot Pain

When it comes to foot pain, there is often no correct answer. Some people swear that hot compresses help, while others claim that cold treatments are more effective. So, the question becomes: What is the best pain relief treatment? Visit our website to learn about treatments for foot pain. We are the most reputable Best Podiatrist in Nassau County.

PRINE Health A Best Podiatrist in Nassau County!

Hot or cold? This is the question that many people ask themselves when they wake up with a sore foot. Some people swear by hot packs, while others think cold packs are the best. To find out what is best for you, you must first know what type of pain you are dealing with. If it is a throbbing pain, try a cold pack. A throbbing pain is caused by inflammation and swelling. The cold pack will reduce the swelling and help keep your foot from changing shape. If you have throbbing pain, you should also consider icing your foot. This can help decrease the inflammation and help reduce the throbbing pain. Contact PRINE Health today if you have been searching for the Best Podiatrist in Nassau County.

Meet The Providers

Diana Gagliano Podiatrist PRINE

Diana Gagliano, DPM

PRINE Providers 1 1 1 1

Ruby Gardner, DPM

PRINE Providers 16 NEW 1 1

Dana Hemlall, DPM

PRINE Providers 1 NEW 1 2

Alec Hochstein, DPM

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David Sands, DPM


3 Excellent Low-Impact Foot Exercises For People With Plantar Fasciitis

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, you want to stay away from high-impact cardio exercises such as jump-roping and running, at least until you have fully recovered (and even then, you will need to ease into your exercises). The good news is that there are great alternatives to traditional exercises if you are dealing with a painful condition known as plantar fasciitis! In this post, we will take a look at three excellent low-impact foot exercises that you can try if you have plantar fasciitis or another type of heel pain.

3 Areas Of The Feet That Fail As You Age

As you age, your feet are not immune to the effects of time. It’s normal for certain areas of the feet to experience more wear and tear than others, and if they’re not taken care of properly, they can lead to pain and discomfort. Here are three areas that the Best Podiatrist In Nassau County at PRINE Health can help prevent as you age:

Riding The Elliptical

Swap out the treadmill for an elliptical, and you can achieve the same level of intensive cardio without compromising the health of your heel. When exercising on a treadmill, you subject your heel to a repeated pounding motion as you continuously run for 30 minutes or longer. An elliptical lets you keep your heel firmly planted on the pedal without worrying about further aggravating your injury or painful condition. Keep in mind that though the elliptical is one of the best low-impact foot exercises for painful heel conditions, it could still lead to some pain or irritation if you have particularly sensitive feet. Know your limitations when using an elliptical and remember to allow yourself plenty of time for your muscles to relax.

Yoga And Pilates

Both yoga and Pilates are beneficial exercises for anyone dealing with plantar fasciitis, so it's a good idea to try to implement both into your workout regimen. Yoga is great for strengthening, lengthening, and toning up muscles while also enhancing balance, and Pilates allows you to do many strength-building exercises without making you spend a lot of time on your feet. The key to both of these low-impact exercises - like anything else - is to make sure you just don't overdo it. If you notice your heel starts flaring up during either of these exercises, give yourself some downtime. If the problem persists, look into alternative exercise options. Fortunately, just like Pilates, you can find plenty of yoga exercises that can be done by using your feet minimally or not using them at all.

Lower Body Strength Exercises

Although you'll need to stray away from traditional cardio exercises that include running and jumping, you can still do plenty of low-impact lower-body strength training exercises, even with plantar fasciitis. In fact, strength training is one of the best low-impact foot exercises to help you combat plantar fasciitis in the long run! Try doing some leg curls on a leg machine at your local gym. This exercise movement will require you to curl your leg toward your backside, working your hamstrings. You can decide how much resistance (or weight) that you want when you flex your leg into a curl motion. Do a few reps of this exercise on both sides, and you will experience stronger hamstrings over time. Another good lower body strength exercise is the leg extension, which will work your quadriceps. You'll need an exercise machine to do this movement. Decide how much resistance you want and extend your leg forward. Do multiple reps on both sides and build stronger legs without compromising your feet. PRINE Health Wants to Help You!

Looking for more information on the different exercises and stretches you can try to help with plantar fasciitis? Or do you need another type of treatment for your heel pain? Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have or to schedule an appointment with our office. Don't forget to keep reading our other blog posts for more free resources and make sure you visit our official website to view our extensive list of podiatry services! Click Here For Plantar Fasciitis Treatment with our Best Podiatrist in Nassau County today!

Patient Experience

What Causes Heel Pain?

When patients spend each day dealing with heel pain, it can quickly decrease their quality of life. The first step in receiving treatment for this issue is to get a proper diagnosis. At PRINE Health, we’ll work diligently to help patients dealing with heel pain. Dr. Hochstein, our expert Best Podiatrist in Nassau County, would like to let you know about the common causes of heel pain so you know how to move forward with treatment.

Achilles Tendonitis

One common issue causing heel pain is Achilles tendonitis. This condition takes place when your Achilles tendon becomes irritated and inflamed. Fortunately, managing and preventing this condition is relatively simple. If you begin to experience pain as a result of Achilles tendonitis, we recommend the below:

One common issue causing heel pain is Achilles tendonitis. This condition takes place when your Achilles tendon becomes irritated and inflamed. Fortunately, managing and preventing this condition is relatively simple. If you begin to experience pain as a result of Achilles tendonitis, we recommend the below:

  • Choosing shoes that offer adequate foot support.
  • Stretch out your calf muscles daily.
  • Consider cross-training so you can stay in shape without overusing your legs.
  • Make sure to rest when symptoms begin to present themselves.
  • Plantar Fasciitis

Another issue that could be causing your heel pain is known as plantar fasciitis. Your plantar fascia is a fibrous tissue band connecting your heel bone to your toes. The most common symptom is experiencing stabbing pain after moving around or exercising. Some of the most effective treatment methods include:

  • Rest.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Custom shoe
  • orthotics.
  • Steroid injections.
  • In extreme cases, surgery.
  • Bursitis

Bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs that are found throughout your body. They work to cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near your joints. However, when they become overused and inflamed, they can lead to pain. You have a bursa near both of your heels, and they could be what is causing your heel pain.

Additional Causes

When it comes to heel pain, there are no shortage of conditions that can cause it. At PRINE Health, our team is well-versed in this area and can provide the diagnoses and treatment needed to make a full recovery. Should you find yourself dealing with any of the additional causes, we’ll be there to help:

  • Heel spurs.
  • Reactive arthritis.
  • Stress fractures.
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome.
  • Peripheral neuropathy.

Contact Our Best Podiatrist in Nassau County

Don’t let heel pain get in the way of your everyday life any longer. By working with Dr. Hochstein and the rest of our team at PRINE Health, you’ll significantly improve your chances of making a full recovery. To schedule your first appointment, be sure to contact our team today.

3 Exercises To Avoid When Dealing With Heel Pain

You can try a few exercises to expedite the recovery process when you are experiencing mild heel pain from a sports injury or just from long hours of wearing improper footwear. However, it is also important to acknowledge that there are plenty of exercises that you should not do when you are suffering from an injured heel. If you want to correctly heal your foot and protect it from further injury, take a look at these three exercises from our Best Podiatrist in Nassau County at PRINE Health that you should avoid doing when you are experiencing heel pain.


Running, whether short bursts during a sports game, sprinting, or long-distance, is not a good activity when a person is suffering from heel pain. The pressure put on the joints will further aggravate and inflame the injured area and the pounding on the pavement that happens when running will add greater stress to the heel. This will not only make the recovery process take longer, but it can also cause more problems for your foot. Instead of running, look for other cardio activities that will still keep you in shape without compromising the health of your heel and the rest of your foot. Such exercises could include swimming, yoga, or high intensive weight training. Or you could ask your primary care physician or the Best Podiatrist in Nassau County specialist at PRINE Health what they would recommend for you to do until you can resume running.

Jump Roping

While jump roping is an outstanding cardiovascular exercise and a muscle-strengthening exercise, it should be avoided until you fully recover from your heel injury. Although you are bouncing on your toes in a repetitive motion and your heels never actually hit the ground, that bouncing motion can cause more stress on certain joints surrounding your ankle, thus affecting your heel area as well. The same bouncing motion is also seen in certain sports like basketball and tennis and other exercises such as jumping jacks. If you are an avid participant in any of these, you will want to rest your foot until your doctor tells you it is OK to continue again. If you ignore the pain you experience by jumping exercises, you could be causing yourself chronic pain issues for many years to come. Opt for other energizing exercises such as cycling that would harm your heel.

Mixed Martial Arts

Aside from the obvious risk of serious injury that goes along with combat sports like mixed martial arts, activities like muay thai kickboxing and jiu jitsu can be very harmful for your heel when it isn’t properly protected. Even if you just participate in a kickboxing cardio class that doesn’t require you to spar, you will want to avoid this workout if you have heel pain. Once your heel fully recovers, you can slowly ease yourself into this high-intensity workout. But because sports like kickboxing require you to lift up off your heel and balance on your toes while delivering a kick, your heel will be under a lot of pressure, especially when this drill is practiced over and over again. Additionally, kickboxing is often paired with cardio exercises like jumping jacks and running. Until your foot has healed, plan to stick to traditional boxing without the use of kicks and warm up with exercises such as squats and crunches in place of jumping jacks and jump rope. Here at PRINE Health, a podiatrist in nassau county can help with your heel pain with these simple exercises!

Contact PRINE Health The Best Podiatrist in Nassau County

Looking for more advice on how to address heel pain? Or are you in need of some other podiatry service whether it is related to wound services, a fracture, or an infection? Don’t hesitate to contact us today with any questions that you may have. Our Best Podiatrist in Nassau County at PRINE Health is here to help you today!

Why Laser Treatment Is Necessary For Advanced Toe Fungus Infections

Toe fungus is an ugly and traumatic problem that can cause great pain in many people’s lives. Thankfully, there are many treatment methods that can be utilized to destroy it. One of the most effective of these methods is laser treatment. It is often used in cases where the fungal spread is too wide to handle without specialized cutting-edge foot care.


While fungal infections on the toes aren't a dangerous or deadly situation, they are rather ugly and embarrassing. They typically start on the outer layers of the skin on the bottom of the foot and move over to the nails. Once they reach this point, they spread out and start eating the dead skin cells that appear there every day. This growth is also assisted by the dampness of your feet in socks and shoes. When it spreads across the foot, it can become a little painful and cause a discoloration of the nail that is distressing. Again, this isn't necessarily a dangerous or serious situation. However, it can quickly spread across the foot and take over all of a person's nails. At this point, it can be very difficult to eliminate this type of fungus from your life.


Our Best Podiatrist in Nassau County can help manage most types of toe fungus with high-quality medications applied directly to the affected areas. Unfortunately, advanced cases of this problem may be very hard to treat with this kind of medication. While it will definitely kill all of the fungus that it reaches and is an effective way of minimizing spread, it could miss it in hard-to-reach areas. For example, the fungus could grow up and underneath the nail where the medication may not reach. As a result, it could regain strength and grow again from this area. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't consider our medication treatments, but that something more advanced may be in order. In this situation, laser treatment becomes so essential for toe fungus.


Laser treatment of toe fungus is unique because it is so effective in pin-pointing hard-to-reach areas. A concentrated beam of laser light will be positioned carefully near your skin and used to kill the fungus that has affected your feet. In this way, the fungus can be burned away from your skin and kept from spreading out in a destructive manner. While laser treatment is often more expensive than medical treatment, it may be necessary in extreme cases. In some instances, laser treatment may not be used to treat the fungus directly. Instead, it can be used to cut a hole in the nail to make it easier for the medication to reach the affected area. The hole will be small enough to easily heal in a matter of a few days with compassionate care.


Will your insurance cover laser treatment for toe fungus? That is a tricky question to answer. Typically, your insurance will pay for the least expensive, yet effective, option. If they and the doctor don't believe that laser treatment is necessary, they may deny your claim. However, if the doctor is willing to state that laser treatment is necessary and is the least expensive option, your treatment may be approved. It all depends on how willing you and your doctor will work with the insurance company and deal with their red tape. Are you suffering from a case of toe fungus that you just can't eliminate? Then contact us today to learn more about your treatment options! Our Best Podiatrist in Nassau County podiatric medicine specialists will take the time to apply medication or laser therapy to pinpoint the affected areas of your food and eliminate fungus from your life.

What Symptoms Does A Podiatrist Treat?

If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your feet or ankles, a podiatrist can help diagnose and treat your symptoms. Whether it’s a minor foot condition or a more serious problem, a board-certified podiatrist on Long Island is a specialized medical professional who can provide expert care to relieve your pain and improve your quality of life. Here we will discuss the different symptoms a podiatrist can treat and how the best podiatrist in Nassau County DPM can help you.

Common Foot Conditions

Some of the most common foot conditions a podiatrist can treat include:

Sports Injuries

Our foot doctor can also treat a variety of sports injuries, including:

Diabetic Foot Care

If you have diabetes, it's important to take extra care of your feet, as diabetes can cause nerve damage and poor circulation in the feet. A podiatrist on Long Island's who specializes in diabetic foot care can help manage your symptoms and prevent complications, such as foot ulcers and infections with patients with diabetes foot care needs.

Surgical Procedures

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat certain foot conditions. A podiatrist who is also a board-certified also specializes in foot and ankle surgeon can perform a variety of surgical procedures, including:

How the Best Podiatrist in Nassau County Can Help

When looking for the best podiatrist in Nassau County, it's important to find someone who is board-certified and has experience treating a wide range of foot and ankle conditions. Our podiatry practice is dedicated to providing quality foot and ankle care using the latest state-of-the-art technology and treatment options. We believe in taking a conservative approach whenever possible and only recommend surgical procedures as a last resort. Our goal is to educate each patient and begin a relevant treatment program that will address their individual needs and help them achieve optimal foot health.

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