Providing Top Quality Care to Patients Across Nassau County, Long Island, Queens, and Surrounding New York, NY Areas

Our Philosophy

What is PRINE?

PRINE is a unique multispecialty group centered around the chronic kidney disease patient population. PRINE teams up Nephrologists with Primary Care and other complementary Specialists to create a patient centered approach fueled by empathic Care Management and an intelligent IT infrastructure. Contact PRINE Health the Best Nephrologist on Long Island NY today! 

PRINE is supported by a physician-owned managerial service organization (MSO) providing value-oriented Population Health and traditional practice management services.

Why Do We Focus On Kidney Care?

Kidney Care Is ... ... ...


1:7 adults or more than 30 million in the US have CKD. Many more are at risk More than 700,000 in the US have ESRD and this is growing at 5% per year


86% of cases are accompanied by at least one comorbidity, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, depression, bone disease, and more


CKD care costs an estimated $45 billion annually – making it the eighth most expensive disease in the United States

Hypertension And Kidney Health

Hypertension and kidney health have an important relationship with one another. The two affect each other in many ways. A person needs to monitor their blood pressure frequently to maintain kidney health. If you are interested in learning more about the relationship between the two or are actively searching for a nephrologist on long island, ny, then contact the team here at PRINE Health today!


Hypertension is when the force of blood against the artery walls is too high to maintain good health. If your blood pressure is measured at 140/90 or higher, you classify as having hypertension. Hypertension, commonly referred to as high blood pressure, is one of the main causes of kidney disease.

Similarly, kidney disease can cause renal hypertension, which results from the narrowing of the arteries that are responsible for carrying blood to the kidneys. Common causes of hypertension include eating an unhealthy diet, not getting enough exercise, and not monitoring your blood pressure frequently. Certain health conditions like diabetes and obesity can also cause it. There are usually no symptoms of hypertension. This is the reason that sometimes, hypertension goes unnoticed for years. Long-term hypertension significantly increases your chances of having a stroke or heart attack.

Kidney Health

Maintaining proper kidney health is one of the most important things you can do for your body. The kidneys are responsible for removing waste, such as creatinine and urea, from the blood that enters the renal arteries and returning the filtered blood to the body. Much like hypertension, you may not know you have it, even if it is in a later, severe state. If the kidneys become too unhealthy, kidney disease can result. Specific tests, such as blood and urine tests, help doctors diagnose accurately. The best ways to prevent this disease are maintaining a proper diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, and, most importantly, frequently monitoring your blood pressure.

Contact Our Nephrologist On Long Island, NY

The correlation between hypertension and kidney health is clear. At PRINE Health, we understand the importance of preventing hypertension and kidney disease. If you are searching for a nephrologist in Long Island, ny to discuss concerns, request an appointment with us today.


To build a better kidney home.






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