1:7 adults or more than 30 million in the US have CKD. Many more are at risk. More than 700,000 in the US have ESRD and this is growing at 5% per year.
86% of cases are accompanied by at least one comorbidity, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, depression, bone disease, and more.
CKD care costs an estimated $45 billion annually – making it the eighth most expensive disease in the United States.
What If Nephrologists from Various Independent Nephrology Practices Came Together and Pooled All Their Advanced CKD and ESRD Patients into One Large Patient Population?
And What If We Were Able To Demonstrate:
Do You Think Patients, Insurance Payers, and Strategic Partners Would Be Interested? We Do! That Is Why We Created PRINE Health IPA.
PRINE Health is a unique multispecialty group centered around the chronic kidney disease patient population.