Has your nephrologist discussed the possibility of dialysis? Do you have questions and want to learn more?
PRINEd is our informative kidney disease education and support program created by the Nephrologists at PRINE.
PRINEd classes are led by our PRINE Care Team which includes: Care Managers, Registered Nurses, Health Coaches, Social Workers, and Nutritionists.
Classes are available in person, by videoconference, or can be accessed in our Padlet-library.
Learn the basics of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). We will discuss common labs and explain their meaning. We will explore the stages of CKD, general CKD management principles, and expectations regarding progression.
We will explain and discuss choices related to End Stage Kidney Disease. The topics covered include:
PRINE Health is a unique multispecialty group centered around the chronic kidney disease patient population.