Providing Top Quality Care to Patients Across Nassau County, Long Island, Queens, and Surrounding New York, NY Areas

What is PRINE?

PRINE is a unique multispecialty group centered around the chronic kidney disease patient population. PRINE teams up Nephrologists with Primary Care and other complementary Specialists to create a patient centered approach fueled by empathic Care Management and an intelligent IT infrastructure. Contact PRINE Health a Nephrologist on Long Island NY today!

PRINE is supported by a physician owned managerial service organization (MSO) providing value-oriented Population Health and traditional practice management services.

Why Do We Focus On Kidney Care?

Kidney Care Is ... ... ...


1:7 adults or more than 30 million in the US have CKD. Many more are at risk More than 700,000 in the US have ESRD and this is growing at 5% per year


86% of cases are accompanied by at least one comorbidity, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, depression, bone disease, and more


CKD care costs an estimated $45 billion annually – making it the eighth most expensive disease in the United States

Stages Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive condition that affects the kidneys’ ability to filter waste from the blood. CKD can have serious complications, including anemia, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease. It is important to be aware of how advanced the disease has progressed to receive the appropriate treatment. CKD is divided into five stages, each stage describing the level of kidney damage and how much of its normal function has been lost. If you’re suffering from kidney disease the Best Nephrologist On Long Island NY at PRINE Health can help you today!

Stage 1 is mild CKD, with a slight glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decrease. In this stage, CKD may not cause any visible symptoms, but regular monitoring is necessary as kidney damage can progress quickly.

Stage 2 marks the beginning of moderate CKD. At this stage, there is a substantial decrease in GFR, and some mild signs of kidney impairment might start to be noticed. It is important to begin managing any associated risk factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Stage 3 is considered advanced CKD, where there is a marked decrease in GFR. The kidneys are not able to filter waste products effectively, and symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, swelling, and difficulty concentrating may start to appear. Treatment focuses on slowing the progression of the disease and managing complications.

Stage 4 is known as severe kidney disease, and the GFR is very low. Kidney failure may be imminent at this stage, and dialysis or a transplant will most likely be necessary.

Stage 5 is an end-stage renal disease (ESRD) where the kidneys can no longer function independently. Dialysis or a transplant is needed for survival. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and managing any associated health conditions. It is important to be aware of the stages of CKD and seek medical help if you notice any signs or symptoms that could indicate kidney damage.

PRINE Health is The Best Nephrologist On Long Island NY

Early diagnosis can help slow the progression of the disease and aid in successful is important to be aware of all stages of CKD so that appropriate treatment can be provided and complications can be minimized. Regular monitoring is necessary to detect any changes in the progression of the disease. With early detection, it is possible to slow down or even halt the progression of CKD, preventing the need for dialysis or a transplant. If you’re suffering from kidney disease the Best Nephrologist On Long Island NY at PRINE Health can help you today!


To build a better kidney home.






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