Chronic Kidney Disease

Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins For CKD

Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins
Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins For CKD

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) occurs when the kidney gradually loses function over time. According to the National Kidney Foundation, chronic kidney disease is extremely common; the disease affects 30 million adults in America. When left untreated, it can become progressively worse, leading to a plethora of health complications. Complications may include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anemia
  • Weak bones
  • Poor nutritional health
  • Nerve damage

Visiting a medical professional is the first step toward treating CKD. When you visit a nephrologist in Freeport, they may suggest you make certain lifestyle changes to help prevent the disease from further affecting your health. This could include taking vitamins with specific nutrients that promote kidney health.


Why You Should Be Taking Vitamins:

In general, vitamins and supplements can offer you a number of different health benefits. Certain health conditions, like CKD, may require you to take prescribed medications or avoid certain foods, which could lead you to miss out on nutrients.

For CKD or any other kidney complication, vitamins can be one of the best forms of treatment as well as prevention. If you suffer from kidney disease of any sort, it is highly likely that you are lacking vitamins and minerals. When you visit your nephrologist in Freeport, you can ask which vitamins your body may be lacking and how you can get back on track.


Which Vitamins Are Best For CKD:

When talking with your nephrologist in Freeport, it’s important to highlight which vitamins or minerals your body may be in need of. Being able to identify the specific kinds of supplements that can help promote kidney health is essential. If you are looking to improve your health with vitamins, you may want to consider the following:

  • B Complex
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium

Paring these vitamins together can help prevent complications that come along with CKD. Aside from knowing which vitamins you need, also be mindful of the ones you should avoid. These include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

These vitamins can build up in your body and lead to a surplus, which can become harmful.


Contact A Nephrologist In Freeport:

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the benefits of vitamins for CKD, pay a visit to our team at PRINE Health. We offer an extensive network of nephrologists who can help guide you down the path to better kidney health. Visit our website to learn more about our locations and to schedule an appointment.

Warning Signs Of Kidney Cancer

Warning Signs Of Kidney Cancer

Being told you have cancer is never easy to hear. The earlier you are diagnosed, however, the better. Paying attention to warning signs and being seen by a doctor right away can help you have a better chance of treatment working quickly and with fewer complications. Kidney cancer occurs when healthy cells in the kidneys grow out of control to form a tumor and is one of the most common cancers among both men and women. At PRINE Health, a medical group in Bellmore, our experienced nephrologists and primary care physicians are experts in kidney care.  We can ensure you receive the best advice and care when it comes to your kidneys and can help you identify warning signs of kidney cancer to be certain that you get an accurate and early diagnosis so you can return to your optimal health as quickly as possible.


Symptoms Of Kidney Cancer:

Various symptoms can signal the possible presence of cancer in your kidneys.  Here are some of the most common symptoms of kidney cancer that should lead you to alert a medical group in Bellmore:

  • Anemia – Having a low red blood cell count is currently the most common presenting warning sign of kidney cancer.  The kidneys produce a protein called erythropoietin which promotes red blood cell production. Production halts when there is cancer in the kidneys because erythropoietin also stops being produced.  However, there are some cases where having a very high red blood cell count is a sign of kidney cancer because in some cases the tumor in the kidneys will start overproducing the erythropoietin.
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria) – About half of those with kidney cancer had blood in their urine as a warning sign.  The blood can sometimes be identified visually by the individual or the blood can be microscopic and has to be identified by a urinalysis. If you are finding blood in your urine, make sure to contact a medical group in Bellmore as soon as possible.
  • Pain in the back, side, or abdomen – The pain can be sharp or dull and in all or only one of these areas.
  • A mass on the back, side, or abdomen – Any kind of lump you notice in one of these areas can be a warning sign.
  • Cachexia – A syndrome that consists of unintentional weight loss, loss of appetite, and loss of muscle mass.  Any of these symptoms individually can also be a warning sign.
  • Extreme fatigue – Finding yourself extremely exhausted and it getting progressively worse is a common sign of any cancer.
  • Fever – The fever could be persistent or come and go but typically is more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • High blood pressure – Since one of the functions of the kidneys is to produce hormones that regulate blood pressure, continuous high blood pressure can be a warning sign and further cause more kidney damage.
  • Swelling in the feet or ankles – Similar to high blood pressure, the kidneys help regulate fluid balance in the body, and kidney cancer can affect the regulation and cause fluid build-up around the feet or ankles.


Signs Your Cancer Has Metastasized:

Over 30% of individuals who get diagnosed with kidney cancer have already experienced metastases meaning that cancer has spread to other parts of the body.  If your cancer has spread, it is likely you will also experience these symptoms:

  • Cough – This would typically be a persistent cough.  Other symptoms usually present with coughing are chest pain, wheezing, or coughing up blood.
  • Shortness of breath – Trouble breathing can start as being just when exercising and then progress to occurring regularly during daily activities.
  • Bone pain – The pain is typically severe and not associated with any kind of injury.


How A Medical Group In Bellmore Can Help You:

If you are worried about your kidney health or are experiencing any of these symptoms, visit a medical group in Bellmore for help.  The experienced nephrologists at PRINE Health are experts in kidney care and can help diagnose you with kidney cancer or any other kidney ailment as well as help you with any treatment required.  Their goal is to always keep you accurately informed, ensure that you are properly taken care of, and help you be in the best of health possible. Contact us with any questions you may have and for more information on how we can help you.

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