What Causes This To Occur?
A fungal infection can be contagious. If a person frequents a gym, nail salon or other public place where people walk barefoot or is not sanitized properly, there is a pretty good chance of acquiring toenail fungus. Fungus grows best in a warm, moist environment which is why nail fungus is much more common in the toenails versus the fingernails. Trauma such as a tight fitting shoe, or bumping your toe can also cause a fungal infection. Once the nail becomes damaged it becomes a portal of entry for nail fungus. If bleeding occurs under the toenail from an injury, it sometimes is difficult to tell if the discoloration is from coagulated blood or a toenail fungus. Usually a biopsy or a clipping of the nail can make that determination.
How is this ugly and embarrassing condition treated? There are several good treatment options. Medications such as oral anti-fungals can be used in a healthy person with no other medical conditions. Oral medications can occasionally cause side effects such as elevation of liver enzymes. Safer and effective treatment options include debridement of the nails by PRINE Health best podiatrist on long island, topical anti-fungals, and laser treatment. While undergoing treatment for the fungal infection, KeryFlex, a medical resin, can be applied to the affected nails to give them a normal appearance. The newest innovation are laser nail treatments. With a series of short painless Fungus Nail Laser Treatments, the organism that causes nail fungus (onychomycosis)