The kidneys are responsible for filtering extra water and waste out of the blood to make urine. They also make hormones that help regulate blood pressure, make red blood cells, and maintain strength in your bones! When your kidneys are damaged and cannot properly filter blood, this is referred to as chronic kidney disease (CKD). The damage causes waste to fill up the body, along with many other health problems. Over 30 million people have chronic kidney disease in the United States. Here at PRINE Health, our kidney specialists in Great Neck specialize in conditions such as CKD.
Diet and Chronic Kidney Disease
Maintaining a healthy diet should always be a top priority. Your diet has a major impact on your body and how it functions. When it comes to CKD, you have to be cautious of what you can and cannot eat because some foods that are typically part of your daily diet may have a negative impact when it comes to CKD. Three major components can slow down the progression of your chronic kidney disease:
- Maintaining a healthy blood pressure- this can be done by decreasing your daily sodium intake
- Reducing the amount of protein you consume, depending on how much you usually consume
- Monitoring and taking care of your diabetes
It can be hard to analyze the nutritional value of different foods and the science behind it all to ensure you are on the right track to a proper CKD diet. Visiting a nutritionist can be beneficial in making sure you are getting all of the nutrients that will keep your kidneys healthy.
What to eat
After visiting your kidney specialist in Great Neck, you may want to start figuring out which foods will keep your kidneys healthy! Some of those foods include:
- Cabbage
- Red bell peppers
- Garlic
- Arugula
- Berries
- Olive oil
- Egg whites
What not to eat
What you can and cannot eat depends on which stage of kidney disease you are on. In the earlier stages, you may have different dietary restrictions than someone who has end-stage renal disease. Earlier stages may require a lower protein intake, whereas those with end-stage renal disease need an increased protein intake. Foods that should be avoided when on a renal diet are:
- Avocados
- Canned food
- Alcohol
- Red Meat
- Bananas
- Dairy
- Egg yolks
Overall, it is important to reduce your potassium, phosphorus, and sodium intake. If you are unsure of what foods will have a major impact on your stage of CKD, ask your kidney specialist in Great Neck.
Why Visit a Nutritionist for CKD Care?
Nutritionists, along with your kidney specialist in Great Neck, can help keep your kidneys healthy and slow down the progression of your CKD. In general, there are many benefits to seeing a nutritionist, such as:
- Getting a personalized plan
- Preventing diseases
- Learning to live a healthier lifestyle
- Learning new recipes and skills
- Receiving constant motivation and support
When it comes to eating, it can be difficult to find the support you need other than from your kidney specialist in Great Neck. A nutritionist not only provides more support, but they also can improve your diet without you having to do all that research on what will work best for you and your kidneys. Even after all that research, it can be difficult to find new and exciting recipes to make eating seem less tedious. Sure, you found out that red bell peppers are good for your CKD, but how many recipes can you make with that? Your nutritionist will think for you, all you have to do is cook it!
Figuring out a diet for your chronic kidney disease can be overwhelming. While visiting your kidney specialist in Great Neck at PRINE Health, ask them about the benefits of visiting a nutritionist to increase the quality of your life and diet.