PRINE health

Medical Group In Nassau County

Medical Group In Nassau County

PRINE Health MSO (Management Company)

370 Old Country Rd. Suite 100 Garden City, NY 11530 516-407-2727

Medical Group In Nassau County

PRINE Health: Revolutionizing Kidney Care With A Focus On Innovation And Excellence

PRINE Health is a newly developed kidney care group that is placing an emphasis on revolutionizing the kidney care industry. We’re an independent Nephrology based SUPERGROUP infused with Primary Care, Care Management, and cutting-edge technology. Supported by a physician-owned managerial service organization (MSO), PRINE Health is providing value-oriented population health and traditional practice management services. Our team is focused on bringing together the elite members of the nephrology industry and those who are specialists, like a Medical Group in Nassau County. For information on how you can contact PRINE Health, please visit our website here. Otherwise, please continue reading this article for more information on the group and our primary goals for the foreseeable future.


Our Vision

Revolutionizing the kidney care industry, PRINE is looking to create innovative treatment plans through a personalized, caregiving approach. By uniting the experts in the field, we’re looking to collectively bring together an association of patients and physicians who can help change the kidney care world for the better. Our goals as an organization include the following:

  • Improve the quality of kidney care and give patients innovative treatment methods.
  • Give easy access to care by boosting the relationship between patient and physician. Thus, giving quality satisfaction for patient care.
  • Eliminate waste, redundancies, and inefficiencies.
  • Overall, make kidney care a much more enjoyable experience; for the physician, care partners, and the patient!
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In an ever-changing healthcare industry, the emphasis on kidney care has been somewhat lacking for several years. However, PRINE Health is looking to change this notion. Our specialists, including our Medical Group in Nassau County, are able to work together as a collaboration; benefiting the local community and many more patients. The unfortunate truth is those complications such as chronic kidney disease have increased dramatically, as one in seven adults in the United States suffers from this condition. Our nephrology-based SUPERGROUP aims to dramatically lower this number, with the assistance of our partners and collaborators. Emphatic care management is essential for the success of our movement. If you’re interested in joining our movement or have been searching for a specialist, like a Medical Group in Nassau County, for Kidney Disease Treatment, contact PRINE Health today for further assistance. Kidney stones, also known as renal lithiasis or nephrolithiasis, are formed inside of your kidneys and consist of salt and minerals. They can have a number of different causes, but normally begin to form when your urine becomes concentrated. When this occurs the minerals will begin to crystallize and start sticking together, forming the kidney stone. While passing a kidney stone can be severely painful, it shouldn’t cause too much damage as long as you seek early medical attention. You could also seek out some home remedies that may help treat your kidney stones or prevent it from recurring in the future. It is important to keep in mind that if left untreated, you may need to seek the help of a Medical Group in Nassau County for kidney disease treatment in regards to possible surgery!


Kidney stones can go undetected until they begin to move around your ureter. The part of your body that connects your kidneys to the bladder. Once it begins moving around you may feel one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain that is located in your side and back
  • Radiating pain from your abdomen to your groin
  • Fluctuating pain throughout the day
  • Experiencing pain when using the bathroom
  • Discolored urine: Pink, red, brown
  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Very frequent urination
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Urinating in small amounts
  • Fever or Chills: Only if there is an infection

Home Remedies:

Fortunately, prior to seeing a Medical Group in Nassau County for kidney disease treatment, there are a few home remedies that you can try to help reduce your risk of kidney stones:

  • Always stay hydrated
  • Increase your intake of Citric Acid
    • By doing this you can prevent stone formation and/or stone enlargement
  • Try not to eat foods high in Oxalates
    • Oxalates can bind calcium and other minerals that form kidney stones
  • Try not to take high dosages of vitamin C
    • This is specifically for Vitamin C supplements
  • Make sure you’re getting enough Calcium
  • Reduce your salt intake
  • Add more Magnesium to your diet


When Is It Time To Contact A Medical Group In Nassau County?

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While it is never a bad thing to try out natural remedies, it is important to keep in mind that you might not always be able to treat kidney stones on your own. If you begin to experience severe pain in your lower abdomen or genitals, it is time to seek out the help of a doctor. In a not-too-serious case, a doctor may just inform you that you need fluid therapy and pain medications. While on the other hand, if your kidney stones get stuck in your urinary tract or begin to cause damage, a doctor may need to schedule surgery as soon as possible. If you or someone you know is suffering from Kidney Stones and would like to try out some natural treatments, make sure to consult with a doctor first! At PRINEhealth, we have a network of professional specialists, including a Medical Group in Nassau County, for kidney disease treatment, that can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to kidney stones. Contact us today! Kidney Infections are unfortunately widespread and can occur spontaneously for certain patients. This type of urinary tract infection is known to develop quickly and includes a vast amount of symptoms. Kidney infections can occur when bacteria get into the bladder and the urethra, which triggers the infection and causes discomfort. If you’re suffering from a kidney infection and want to get treatment as soon as possible, visit a Medical Group in Nassau County at PRINE Health.

How Does The Infection Start?

There are a few ways that bacteria can get into the bladder. They include poor bathroom hygiene and not properly cleaning the anus once you are finished in the bathroom. Not correctly cleaning can lead to your genitals becoming infected more easily. A Medical Group in Nassau County will remind you of some of the ways you may have contracted a kidney infection, and how to prevent it in the future.


Women are more prone to getting a bladder infection because their urethra is much shorter. This makes it easier for infections to reach the urinary tract and cause problems. For females being sexually active can cause issues as well. If the bacteria reaches the urinary tract, this can cause a kidney infection. For men, a kidney infection can be caused by an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate results in a higher chance of getting a kidney infection.

Symptoms Of Kidney Infections:

The following list includes the symptoms one may experience when suffering from a kidney infection:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Shivering uncontrollably
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Groin pain
  • Heightened symptoms while urinating


Kidney infections can either be treated at home or in the hospital under a doctor’s supervision. Depending upon the severity of your symptoms and your current health state, a Medical Group in Nassau County can advise you on how to treat your infection. Your doctor may suggest the following options when it comes to clearing up a kidney infection on your own:

  • Antibiotics
    • They’re usually given at first if your infection isn’t too severe.
  • Staying hydrated
    • This will help prevent symptoms like dehydration and fever.
  • Use the bathroom as soon as you need to go

If you have a more severe infection, your doctor may tell you to go to the hospital. You may spend around 3 to 7 days in the hospital. During this time, you’ll be administered a drip that includes antibiotics.

CKD Treatment

When one has a kidney stone, one can have a higher risk of developing a kidney infection down the line. If you think that you may have a kidney infection, then a Medical Group in Nassau County at PRINE Health will be able to answer any questions you may have regarding kidney infections. Contact us today for more information!

What Is A Kidney Cyst?

A kidney cyst is defined as a pouch that forms in your kidney and is filled with fluid. There can just be one cyst on one of your kidneys or even multiple cysts on both kidneys. While they can become dangerous, by impairing the function of your kidneys or be the result of a more serious disorder, you should know that most are usually harmless. A Medical Group in Nassau County can alert you on the severity of your cyst by determining if it is one of the two types of cysts:

  • “Simple” Kidney Cysts – These cysts are noncancerous, and can usually be identified by their thin walls and water-like fluid. These cysts do not damage your kidney functions.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease – PKD, an inherited condition, causes multiple cysts to form on your kidneys. This can cause damage to your kidneys as they continue to grow.

How Do I Know If I Have Cyst?

Oftentimes, you may not experience any symptoms of a kidney cyst. If the cyst is continuously growing though, the size of it may begin to lead to pressure on nearby organs. You may be suffering from a simple cyst if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Dull pain in the back or side
  • Fever
  • Experiencing pain or swelling in your upper abdomen
  • Frequent urination (more often than normal)
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Blood in your urine

While most of the symptoms remain the same, PKD may cause symptoms such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Pain in back and side
  • Blood in your urine


Why You Should Get Tested:

If you suspect that you are suffering from a kidney cyst, getting tested should be your first priority. A Medical Group in Nassau County can diagnose you, and then determine how to proceed with treatment. If you ignore the signs and allow the cyst to grow large enough it could become as big as a tennis ball. This can lead to further complications, other than just pain or discomfort. Other complications may include:

  • An infection within the cyst
  • The cyst bursting
  • The cyst causes a blockage of urine out of the kidney
  • High blood pressure.

For those suffering from PKD, if left untreated, will often lead to kidney failure by the age of 60.


The Diagnosis:

In order to conduct testing on your possible kidney cyst, a Medical Group in Nassau County will likely choose from the following image tests:

  • CT Scan (computed tomography)
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging
  • Ultrasound



In rare cases, after the diagnosis, your doctor may suggest sclerotherapy (draining of the cyst) or even surgery. Typically though, if it is a simple cyst, it is not causing much harm. Your Medical Group in Nassau County will then recommend that you continue to get tested every 6 to 12 months to keep an eye on its size. If it does not get any larger you won’t have to take any serious action. If you believe you are suffering from a kidney cyst, there is a Medical Group in Nassau County that can help! At PRINE Health, we realize that kidney care is often overlooked. That is why we’ve created a network of nephrologists to help create an integrative team approach to healthcare. With an extensive list of providers, there is no doubt that we can help treat your kidney cyst! Visit our website to schedule an appointment with a nearby provider today!

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