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When Should I Worry About Kidney Pain?

When Should I Worry About Kidney Pain?

PRINE Health MSO (Management Company)

370 Old Country Rd. Suite 100 Garden City, NY 11530 516-407-2727

When Should I Worry About Kidney

If you experience kidney pain, you likely have a problem in your urinary system. Due to the severity of this, you should visit a doctor immediately. Our nephrologist in Long Island NY, can help diagnose and treat the condition. Visit our experienced staff at Prine Health to get started.

Pain in the kidneys can be a sign of a variety of serious issues, including the following:

●Kidney infection
●Kidney stones
●Kidney cancer

While it may not be as severe as the conditions above, it is difficult to know without a proper diagnosis, so it is better to be safe and verify where your kidney pain is coming from so you can begin treatment.



Kidney pain will feel like constant aching pain rather than acute sharp pain. It will usually appear in the following areas:

●Upper abdomen

You may be experiencing other symptoms along with Kidney pain, depending on your diagnosis. Our nephrologist in Long Island NY, can analyze your symptoms and run tests to find the best treatment to recover.



The treatment you receive will significantly depend on your diagnosis by our nephrologist in Long Island NY. Your treatment options will vary depending on the severity of the condition. If there is a structural problem, it will likely require surgery. Nonetheless, there are many options to relieve the pain.

The following are standard treatment methods to relieve kidney pain:

●Heat Application
●Applying heating pads to the abdomen, back, and sides can help to relax the muscles and reduce pain.
●Take pain relief medication.
●If the pain is severe, your doctor may prescribe medication. However, you should always ask your doctor before starting any medication, particularly if you are starting any other treatments with which the drug could interfere.
●Stay hydrated.
●Staying hydrated is vital for good kidney health. It can also flush out bacteria that may be causing a kidney infection.


Request An Appointment With Our Nephrologist in Long Island NY

If you have been experiencing kidney pain, make an appointment now with our nephrologist in Long Island NY. You can find a provider near you on our website. Our doctors can provide a complete diagnosis and treatment plan for whatever condition is causing your kidney pain. Don’t ignore your kidney pain and wait to find out you may have a terminal illness. Get treatment now so you can return to an active and pain-free life.

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